> What are 3 ways you would like to persuade someone to reverse global warming?

What are 3 ways you would like to persuade someone to reverse global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
First, we cannot reverse global warming. It is something that we can not do with the technology we have today.

Second, we are not experiencing global warming at this time. We are actually getting colder and have been doing so for the past 5 years. The oceans' temperatures are rising, due to more active underwater volcanoes underneath the ocean, which will soon lead to the coming ice age. When the ice melts in the poles and glaciers, that makes more precipitable water. This will lead to an increase in precipitation across much of the world. In fact, we are already seeing it happen. There has been a 20% increase in precipitation since 1970. We are already cold enough for an ice age, now all we need is the precipitation which is coming. Previous ice ages had oceans temperatures that rose by 15+ degrees before the ice age occurred. Precip. is the key here.

I think if we can 1. convince people that it is real, 2. convince them that it is, in fact, a problem, and 3. explain what they can do about it without too greatly impacting their lifestyles, most people will act to reverse global warming, at least to the extent they can do so without much pain.

The biggest changes I'd like to see made:

1. increased generation of electricity from low-emissions sources like solar and wind, particularly replacing coal (which we should stop using for many reasons, not just AGW)

2. no one buying low-efficiency vehicles (like most SUVs) unless they genuinely need some capacity or characteristic of the vehicle not found in a standard car (eg family of 7, frequently goes for mountain camping trips, whatever)

3. more research into "painless" replacements for existing technologies (better LED lightbulbs, biofuel replacements for gasoline, electric cars with the range and capacity of gas-powered cars, et cetera)

Stop brainwashing them,

Show them the facts and data that global warming is not happening,

Force the media to show both sides of the argument, not just the sensational side.

1st I would tattoo denier on their foreheads

2nd I would make carbon credit purchase a condition of employment

3rd To reduce population I would make homosexuality mandatory and heterosexuality punishable by death, the top earning 1% of the population could be licensed for heterosexuality and exceptions could be made for the porn industry as long as the actors/actresses had been sterilised.

obviously I would need a world army to enforce some of this on the countries who were too dumb to realise this was for their good and the planet's.

There will be a lot more storms due to global warming (ice melts, causes increase in water levels)

Animals will die off if they are only able to adapt to a certain temperature

Go for a walk.

Tell them about all the stocks they can buy in green energy and go broke because the technology isn't here yet. LOL

tell them to stop... and if they don't you cant stop them... but you yourself can stop yourself