> Where did all the carbon that is locked up in fossil fuels and limestone formations come from?

Where did all the carbon that is locked up in fossil fuels and limestone formations come from?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
CO2 in the atmosphere perhaps?

Where the rest of the elements and molecules on earth came from. Real question is when all that carbon locked away in fossil fuel reserves were once part of the living global ecosystem did the climate self destruct with a runaway greenhouse effect just as the AGW true believer cultists are claiming it will today if is reintroduced into the living global ecosystem?

CO2 in the atmosphere from when Florida would have been underwater and sea levels were 200+ feet higher than at present. We lived perfectly well then, we can now too! Oh, wait- warm blooded animals didn't even exist then and we didn't have trillions of dollars in infrastructure and cities that would become worthless (underwater) when the fossil fuels and limestone was forming. If you don't mind paying ten times as much as you currently pay for every manufactured and shipped product and having a couple hundred million unemployed and unemployable foreigners (people driven from their homes when sea levels put their country underwater) take over your country, continue to believe as you do. I like how things are now more than how things would probably be if we changed our planet too much, so will continue to do what I can to reduce changes.

The CO2 in fossil fuels were sequestered millions of years ago by animals and plants that lived during these times. This was a very slow process and we are extracting, burning and releasing this sequestered CO2 back into the atmosphere over the time frame of a few centuries. What took millions of years to accomplish is becoming undone, by us, in a few centuries.

yeah, you're right. plant take CO2 and convert it to glucose, which any animal eat(if they're herbivores, and if not, they eat the animals that are herbivore), when they die, after nearly millions of years, gets converted to fossils (fuels), which on burning release CO2, and the cycle ,called carbon cycle, ends up one turn....and you know, this cycle never ends..

It must have been formed at the same time as everything else in the universe. It seems to have many different forms and combinations but the building blocks of the stuff must be as old as all matter in existence. No mention of creation of course.

Co2 is everywhere organic molecules are.

It came from a time when plant life was much more lush than it currently is because plants had plenty of CO2 to breathe.

The fact that warmers are scare-mongering us into believing that CO2 in the atmosphere is going to reduce our ability to grow crops, just goes to show how out of touch they are with reality.


You are too funny. So are you suggesting the the seas will raise by 200 feet or that mammals will cease to exist??? Maybe 3 mm/year is more than I think. HMM... at this rate it will hit 200 ft in 23000 years. And how do the mammals all die off under your scenario?

Oh, you are not really saying anything at all, are you???

You want me to believe your CAGW model so much that I agree to have myself taxed... and this is your strategy??? LOL.


What was accomplished is being undone??? It was an accomplishment??? By whom? God?

CO2 in the atmosphere perhaps?