> When did man made Global Warming start?

When did man made Global Warming start?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Down to the decade would be alright.


But I would be VERY INTERESTED in hearing from all the Warmists on this board when they think it started.

Did it start before or after climate scientists invoked the GLOBAL COOLING SCARE of the 1970's?


I do like all these posters claiming global warming started around 1760 with the start of the industrial revolution. That's not what their precious hocky stick graph says. Of course, you can't expect libs to remember information that is 10+ years old.

Most temperature records start about 1860 or so, and show consistent warming from that point. Of course that date also coincides with the end of the Little Ice Age, but that's not relevant. It's us and our CO2 emissions which have caused global temperatures to rise, the IPCC says so.

Edit: OK morons, the question is: When did man made global warming start?

According to the hockey stick, there was no appreciable warming until about 1900 (give or take). I have linked to a paper by none other than Michael Mann from 2010. It's quite interesting to see how the warmists were spinning things then. As it turns out, surface temperatures are not so important. The real story is in the ocean:

"The heat content of the upper layers of the world's oceans is the most comprehensive measure of changes in the temperature of the planet"

...unless the upper ocean shows now change, then we will come up with another explanation which will satisfy our followers with conveniently short memories.

Also notice that most of the graphs end in 2000, at the end of the warm phase of the PDO.

Using YOUR own arguments, the moment when YOUR god got angry with people not giving enough money or bowing deep enough to him, so he changed the thermostat setting in order to fry the children of those people.

Clearly that argument is ridiculous, but you made it and if you do not award it as "best answer" you agree it is wrong.

Now you have two other options available, you can pick a sensible answer along the lines of "The decade we started dumping the waste products from burning fossil fuels into atmosphere on an industrial scale", or a ridiculous answer like "Never".

The thing is, it started so small that you wouldn't notice it, at first. Since you need to burn a lot of coal and/or cut down a lot of trees to make a noticeable increase in the total atmospheric CO2 concentration, and you need a relatively large increase in total CO2 concentration to make a significant increase in average global temperature.

So, yes, it *did* start with the industrial revolution, it was just such a small change, at that point, that you couldn't see it over the "noise" of normal climate, even remotely. It'd be like... let me bring in my usual fountain analogy. I'm dribbling water from a hose into a recirculating fountain. Do you even notice the trickle of water, amid the splashing of the fountain? Probably not. But if you want to pinpoint the exact moment when the fountain started heading towards overflowing, it's the first trickle from my hose.

Manmade global warming started with the Industrial Revolution, the first belchings of coal fired plants.

I must be an atheist because I believe in science and nature, and I believe we all need to take good care of the earth.

Mid to late 70s. Tamino pegged it at 1975 even though temperature rise wasn't until later.

So roughly a 23 year period, though you still get warming for the full record since then.

You can also get no statistically significant warming going back 18-19 years.

Twas a seven year period just a little before 1690 BC. when the seven years of drought followed seven years of plenty in Egypt, when all the known world then had to come buy grain and corn from Joseph who was second only to Pharoah at the time. I bet Potiphar's Wife was livid!

>>Down to the decade would be alright.<<

It might be alright if we lived in a Magical Kingdom with Magic Math, but in the real world we can’t see things that exist in multi-decadal dimensions on sub-decadal time scales.


Wage Slave --

>>That's not what their precious hocky stick graph says.<<

That was not its purpose.

>> course that date also coincides with the end of the Little Ice Age.<<

Where? There is no single global beginning or end.

You’re really a complete idiot about the whole thing, huh?

Forgot how to search the web??

Man made GW started when humankind began burning fossil fuels, which was when industry started burning coal heavily between 1750 and 1800 It was first used by people for heating and cooking Coal still produces the most CO2 of any fossil fuel and China has an interest in building a coal fired power plant each week for the next few years Aside from the AGW consequences, they won't be able to breathe

You don't really want to know

since you're a Denier

I believe it was Linlyons who suggested the warming 10K years ago may have been associated with humans developing agriculture. Anyway, I thought it was a pretty funny assertion but why stop there. Humans are believed to have been humans, for 200,000 years. When the first arbitrary human breathed his first breath, that would by my pick for the beginnings. Of course we have had two cycles of interglacial and glacial periods since then. Since it is all about blaming those dastardly humans, I might as well blame the first ones.

Down to the decade would be alright.

It was started by Nog Udderhead from Second Damp Cave on the Left in the year 125,023 BC. He found some black stuff that he threw on the fire and it burned really well. His family had a tasty mammoth burger which took them about 7 hours to eat ...

The industrial revolution, 1760

At conception.


CO2 has always been part of our ecosystem. If you are an evolutionist and believe that man-made global warming is happening and is a problem, then you are contradicting yourself and self-execution is in order.

Don't know by year, but when the first "caveman" lit the first fire to keep warm is as near as I can come; however, whether this is bad or good is an entirely different matter.

Hard to pinpoint exactly.


When did terrorism start in Afghanistan? Down to the year would be alright.

When did second-hand smoke start to become a serious health hazard? Down to the decade would be alright.

When did you start to stop BSing here and start to ask half-real questions?

The approximate portion of the haystack where the needle may most likely reside would be alright.

It is a big word, but find a dictionary and ask a high school graduate to look up and explain

"ambiguous" to you.

And by the way: