> Does Obama care really cause kittens to die? And global warming?

Does Obama care really cause kittens to die? And global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I love kittens. Its really cold out . Will we really run out of fossil fuels by 2006?

Obama is personally responsible for halting global warming. It will resume once he is out of office. He is also working on lowering the level of the ocean.

I don't think he said anything about kittens.

And he won a Noble Peace Prize for causing peace to break out all over the Middle East.

I am not into politics, but was pleased when Obama was first elected, I had big hopes for improvements in lots of things, I thought perhaps he was not your average politician.

I have been sadly disappointed, my first disappointment was Guantanamo Bay interment camp he promised he would end it, it still has 162 prisoners.

Obamacare I thought he was really try to improve a bad health situation, but he has really screwed it up, the least you can accuse him of is gross incompetence.

His use of climate science for propaganda and diversion from his failures is a typical politician trick, his refusal to even consider other views ( flat-earthers) and his lies (hurricane Sandy caused by global warming) make me despair that we will never have honest politicians that have ethical integrity.

To answer your question no we will not run out soon (2006 is long gone) we a have lot more reserves but they will harder to get, and we have only now started getting energy from fracking so don't worry

Yes, we will run out of fossil fuels by 2006.

Climate change will save kittens as they will evolve to be able to swim and due to increased levels of CO2 they will gain the ability to breath CO2 so in the future cats could live on Mars, and Obama care will ensure you are able to keep your kittens on your health plan.

There has been an estimate of running out oil by 2050. There will still be coal and natural gas. Australia has found large oil reserves and there are expected to be oil under the Greenland ice shelf and the Russian permafrost so hard to say.

unfortunately we still need to reduce emissions and aggressively switch to alternative sources for our electricity

No. The Republicans, on the other hand, are well known internationally for their love of kitten soup.

Obama care does not cause kittens to die.

And global warming is real, but it is not caused by Obama care.

Someone who doesn't want everyone to get decent health care is trying to scare you.

Oh yes, and he is doubly responsible for the things that happened before he was born, probably in some foreign country. Like Panama

(No one is going to get that last part I think)

Obama cares about himself more than anything else in the world.

I love kittens. Its really cold out . Will we really run out of fossil fuels by 2006?