> If ozone is lighter than carbon dioxide, why ozone is at upper strata and CO2 is near the ground?

If ozone is lighter than carbon dioxide, why ozone is at upper strata and CO2 is near the ground?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Ozone (O3 = atomic weight = 48) is actually heavier than CO2 (atomic weight = 12+16+16=44) just to clarify your question.

CO2 is very stable, and is reasonably evenly distributed.

Ozone is only created high up, and is pretty unstable, so typically it decays before it has a chance to get lower in the atmosphere.


The winds thoroughly mix the atmosphere and anything such as CO2 that gets released into the atmosphere will get carried right around the world and will get mixed into the top and bottom layers of the atmosphere and everywhere inbetween.

If there was no mixing at all then the layers of the atmosphere would eventually separate and you’d have the heaviest gases at the bottom and the lightest ones at the top.

As you go up through the atmosphere it becomes rarefied, it thins out; this is why mountain climbers sometimes need to breath bottled oxygen. So whilst there’s more CO2 at lower levels, there’s also more of all the other gases as well.

The ozone layer forms about 25km (15 miles) up, this puts it above almost all of the atmosphere and above the winds that mix the air lower down.

Ozone is created using light from the Sun that reacts with oxygen molecules. These molecules consist of two atoms of oxygen but are split into two by the Sun’s ultraviolet light. These single atoms then combine with unbroken oxygen molecules to create a different type of oxygen – one with three atoms instead of two, this is ozone.

Because the creation of ozone happens high in the atmosphere and isn’t carried away by winds, it stays where it is and forms a layer around Earth.

If ozone is lighter than carbon dioxide, then surely that's how it should be, Ozone higher and CO2 lower

"If ozone is lighter than carbon dioxide, why ozone is at upper strata and CO2 is near the ground?"

Ozone is heavier than CO2.

Ozone is found where it is made, in the stratosphere. If it diffuses higher, intense solar radiation destroys it. If it diffuses lower, water vapor and visible light make short work of it.

CO2 concentrations are pretty uniform. There are concentrated areas, near cities and cement plants, where lots of CO2 is produced. Again, "found where it is made".

The ozone in the troposphere is Low Level Ozone or ground which is a greenhouse gas There is a difference between this and the Ozone layer in the Stratosphere

The first is the one referred to when we get an ozone warning to stay inside

It is not a question of lightness, most ozone is in the stratosphere because that is where it is created by ultra violet rays, some ozone is found in the troposphere caused by pollution (smog) especially in cities.

CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas and hangs onto oxygen through a combustion process. That's why they call it CO2 warming ("Global Warming" - photosynthesis removed). The "C" is what drags it back down to the surface. Carbon has a purpose and it is "not" to create warming to a point of destruction! It only helps maintain temperatures. The "Carbon Cycle" comes to mind for some reason.


Catastrophic happenings have never happened here and are surely going to come because of our use of fossil fuels!!

Al Gore is an opportunistic individual. It is up to people to recognize opportunistic individuals besides Al Gore.

Why would billionaires want more? (Bill Gates, Koch Bros, Warren Buffet, and the like)

Why would anyone making over $10 million a year want more?

Because where I come from heavier things keep lower and light things go up.

Lighter things go to the top. Water is an excellent example. Anything, object or substance, that is more dense/heavy than water will sink to the bottom. Anything, object or substance, that is more dense/heavy than water will rise to the surface.

I think you just answered your own question.