> Record low in Hawaii? Just how does this Global Warming work?

Record low in Hawaii? Just how does this Global Warming work?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

That's the difference between weather and climate. If it's colder, well, that's nothing more than weather and it's winter, so what do you expect it to be. However if it's a fraction of a degree above average in the summer, that's proof that so-called "global warming" is real, and man is the cause.

Loaded dice might be a good analogy.

Imagine you have a large handful of dice. You've put a *tiny* bit of weight in each of them, so they're about, let's say, 5% more likely to roll a 6 than a 1.

If you roll a big handful of these dice at once, you'd be pretty surprised if *none* of them rolled a 1. But, you'd still have more 6'es, and fewer 1's, than you "should" have in a handful of fair dice.

Sometimes, by chance, you may even roll all 1's. It can happen, even with (slightly) loaded dice.

But you're going to roll all 6's (that is, have record highs) more often than you'll roll all 1's (that is, have record lows).

Does that make sense to you?

There is a difference between weather and climate- and between local weather and global climate. When you average together all the monthly mean temperature anomalies across many weather stations and satellite measured sea surface temperature anomalies- you see an upward trend over decadal timescales. So basically, a record low in hawaii- or even an unusually cold winter in the US- does not disprove global warming.

You can't prove something by systematically picking out the data points that agree with what you're trying to prove. My great grandmother smoked most of her life, and lived to be 94, yet I always hear that smoking shortens life span. Is that also a conspiracy? No. Most years, there are places that reach record lows, as well as places (more places) that reach record highs.

They have changed the term "Global Warming" to climate change.

Because the melting of the icecaps can mean a higher fluctuation in temperatures.

What this means is that winters can be colder and summers will be hotter than ever.

Climate change. Meaning house wrecking, people killing storms are much more likely.

Climate change. Meaning crops that can only grow in certain CLIMATES, will die or become very expensive.

Ah I see your strategy now. Search the web for parts of the world that have record low temperatures. Then use that argument to somehow imply what happens in a local region is applicable on a global scale.

And since we keep pointing out the difference between weather and climate, local variations and the global situation, and you refuse to listen and keep posting these inane questions, one can only conclude you've now entered the realm of dogma and no amount of debate or evidence or explanation will adjust your flawed opinion.

Haha and 2014 is the warmest year, just hope we don't get anymore global warming or you are all going to freeze to death

No matter what happens weatherwise it is due to Global Warming. Even if nothing happens.
