> Why do Climate Scientist talk about the importance of Arctic sea ice on Albedo, but ignore Antarctic sea ice?

Why do Climate Scientist talk about the importance of Arctic sea ice on Albedo, but ignore Antarctic sea ice?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Alarmist live in their own world where facts and science have no meaning. Because the Antarctic doesn't follow their rules about CO2 causing warming, it is ignored and downplayed unless they get one of the rare ice sheets/glaciers breaking off and then they pounce it like starving dogs.

There is a fundamental difference between Antarctic and Arctic sea ice, one deniers have tried over years to ignore.

The Antarctic is sea ice that surrounds a land mass exposed to open sea it melts away every Summer and then reforms as winter returns by the combination of summer sunshine and rough seas.

The Arctic on the other hand is a small sea surrounded by land it thins in Summer but until the last couple of decades it was mostly still covered.

This covers the differences


Where I work there is an entire section devoted to the study of Antarctic sea ice and many papers have been published on this.

The Arctic is a worry because it is shrinking at several times the rate the Antarctic is growing, the Arctic has mostly kept a reasonable cover over Summer but is now showing large open areas in Summer, Where the Antarctic has mostly melted each Summer, for either place there is not much albedo effect in winter (for obvious reasons) which is also when the Antarctic is reaching it's maximum.

At current rates of loss it is thought the Arctic may be ice free in Summer by ~2030, while the increase in Antarctic sea ice is expected to slow and reverse, because at the moment it is being driven by glacial melt going into the sea, this is cold fresh water from glacial edges, as these start to retreat from the edge of the sea this effect will reduce but this may take several more decades.

But then I think you may know this which is why you are linking to a wordpress document cut&pasted from some denier blog rather than any actual science source.

They do not ignore the sea ice albedo of the Antarctic. It is just that almost all of the Antarctic sea ice is gone by the end of the melt season. This has been true for decades, if not centuries. You know that time of the year. It is when the sun is highest on the horizon there and there is very little sea ice there at this time.


Why do keep ignoring the sea ice extent of the Arctic. This is where those was normally sea ice extent throughout the Arctic ocean, until about two decades ago. There is now not as much sea ice by the end of the melt season there. Why do you keep ignoring this?


The Arctic is losing sea ice five times faster than the Antarctic, that's why

They don't?

I guess the following papers don't count:

"East Antarctic sea ice: Albedo, thickness distribution, and snow cover"


"Albedo of summer snow on sea ice, Ross Sea, Antarctica"


"Surface Albedo of the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone"


"Snow on Antarctic sea ice"


"Effects of multiple reflection and albedo on the net radiation in the pack ice zones of Antarctica"


And that's just 5 minutes worth of searching Google Scholar.

Scientists study, analyze, report and “talk” about both areas – and have done so hundreds of times for decades. If you are unaware of this fact, it is just because you do not know anything about anything – and are too lazy to care. All anyone need to do is Google the topic. You obviously have not bothered even to do that; no doubt because you have no interest in science – and no aptitude for it even if you were interested.


William –

>> … and also have an hidden agenda<<

You only believe in an imaginary “hidden agenda” because you are a scared, paranoid conspiracy freak. Maybe you should think about getting off of the Stupid Bandwagon sometime and visiting the reality-based world.


edit –

>>Update 2: Gary F. show me a link, that mentions Antarctic ice and it's effect on Albedo and I will believe you.<<

If you Google: "Antarctic + albedo" you get 261,000 hits.

If you Google “antarctic sea ice albedo” you get 201,000 hits.

That should be a fair start.

Because when they went there to show how little ice was in the south ,funny they got stuck 100 miles out from were they should have been able to navigate ...in ice.

I don't see them doing that. Can you provide evidence to support your claim?

Didn't you ask this exact same question just a few days ago? (Excuse me for not being positive, but you hide your questions and answers--and it's pretty obvious why, when you don't care about the answer but only post them as rhetoric.)

Interesting read.

Because they are extremely hypocritical and also have an hidden agenda


they don't