> What do you think of this speech/note on the issues of global warming/pollution?

What do you think of this speech/note on the issues of global warming/pollution?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think off hand it sounds exactly like the speech Stephen Seagal made in one of his movies "On Deadly Ground"

If you are going to take someone else's speech at least give them credit for it otherwise it is a copyright infringement which is a violation of community guidelines

If someone were to invent this mythical power source that defies the laws of thermodynamics, (more out than in), the oil companies would simply buy it and get legislation passed to mandate its use in American cars, thereby making even more trillions of dollars. The idea that anyone would suppress a valuable invention when they could exploit it is silly.

Personally, I am entirely unswayed by a lack of specifics. The term "Big Business" has no meaning. "Big business is primarily responsible for destroying the water we drink" means to me that the speaker has nothing to say and is simply full of BS.

If you wish to be persuasive then only say things that make you believable. This speech says you are full of crap, nothing else.

Is there an issue with your local drinking water? If not, don't mention it, your audience doesn't care. If yes, then explain the specific issue and how it came to be. Is a particular large company to blame? If so, the explain how. An audience can smell manure, so leave the manure out.

This speech is damaging to any environmental cause. The idiocy of this speech will be attributed to every person who tries to plan for the long-term. Please don't give this to anyone. It is a terrible, harmful speech.

Energy isn't just created out of thin air. Gasoline works as a fuel because of the chemical energy stored in the hydrocarbons. If there were magical engines that ran off the earth's magnetic or water or whatever, it would quickly be manufactured. These conspiracy theories often are based in facts but miss out on a few basic facts. I would recommend that you reconsider your basic premises. If you really believe there are these engines out there, find one, build it, or somehow demonstrate how it works. You will quickly learn what a scam it is.

Who are these companies that are releasing hazardous chemicals? Just one example would do.

How many oil spills can we endure? Are you feeling that your life is threatened by oil spills? I work at cleaning hydrocarbons and with modern regulations and oversight, hydrocarbon releases are in fact rare. When they do occur, there exist bacteria that relatively quickly consume them. I don't see this as a crisis.

There's a couple of good points, a couple of exaggerations, some rhetoric and some stuff that's really beyond belief. Sounds like it would make for a good movie.

However, you should really start by crediting the people who wrote those words: Ed Horowitz & Robin U. Russin lest somebody be mistaken that you wrote it: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110725/full...

It's well written but the content is all wrong.

Your school has succeeded in making you an alarmist drone, that's too bad. Maybe you will grow out of it. Maybe not.

In the meantime I recommend you watch these and see the other side of the story. Be a truth seeker, not a drone.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Whoever wrote that piece has been assimilated by the Borg collective.....also known as the Global Warming Cult.

It's perfect, I'm sure you'll get a really good grade, perfect grammar, excellent use of words, and it excels in many different ways, just be sure to back up your points and your paper is perfect.

too long

I'd like to start out by saying 'thank you' to all the brothers and sisters who have come here representing this cause.

I've been asked by Mr. Itaka and the Tribal Counsel to speak to you and the members of the Press about the injustice that has been brought against us by the government and big business.

How many of you out there have heard of 'alternate engines' -- engines that can run on anything from alcohol to garbage or water; or carburetors that can get 100s of miles to the gallon, or electric or magnetic engines that can practically run forever? You haven't heard about them because if they were come into use, they [would] put the oil companies out of business.

The concept of the combustion engine has been obsolete for over 50 years, but because of the oil cartels and corrupt government regulations, we in the rest of the world have been forced to use gasoline for over 100 years.

Big business is primarily responsible for destroying the water we drink, the air we breath, and the food we eat. They have no cure for the world they've destroyed. [They care] only for the money they make in the process.

How many oil spills can we endure? Millions and millions of gallons of oil are now destroying the ocean and the many forms of life they support. Among these is Plankton, which supplies 60-90% of the Earth's oxygen, and supports the entire marine ecosystem which forms the basis of our planet's food supply. But the plankton is dying.

I thought, 'Well, let's go to some remote state or country -- anywhere on earth' -- but in doing a little research, I realized that these people broker toxic waste all over the world. They basically control the legislation; and in fact, they control the law. The law says no company can be fined over $25,000 a day. For companies making 10 million dollars a day by dumping lethal toxic waste into the ocean, it's only 'good business' to continue doing this.

They influence the media so that they can control our minds. They have made it a crime to speak out for ourselves; and if we do so we are called 'conspiracy nuts' or laughed at.

We're angry because we're all being chemically and genetically damaged, and we don't even realize it. And unfortunately, this will effect our children.

We go to work every day, and right under out noses we see our car and the car in front of us spewing noxious and poisonous gasses that are accumulative poisons. These poisons kill us slowly, even when we see no effect.

How many of us would have believed 20 years ago that on a certain day we wouldn't be able to see 50 feet in front of us; that we wouldn't be able to take a deep breath because the air would be a mass of poisonous gas; that we wouldn't be able to drink out of our faucets; that we would have to buy water out of bottles; that the most common and God-given rights have been taken away from us; and unfortunately, the reality of our lives is so grim nobody wants to hear it.

Now I've been asked what we can do. I think we need a responsible body of people that can actually represent us, rather than big business. This body of people must not allow the introduction of anything into our environment that is not absolutely biodegradable or able to be chemically neutralized upon production.

And finally, as long as there is profit to be made from the polluting of our earth, companies and individuals will continue to do what they want. We have to force these companies to work safely and responsibly, and with all our best interest in mind, so that when they don't, we can take back our resources and our hearts and our minds to do what's right.