> Global warming means end of the world?

Global warming means end of the world?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
AGW is a end of world cult religion . You are like Howard Camping and the 2012

mayan calender cultist.

I wouldn't call 70% of species surviving the end of the world. But just because something will survive does not mean that global warming is OK. Just because 90% of the world is too high to be flooded with rising sea levels does not mean that we should not be concerned about the remaining 10%, which is more than has been devastated by all the floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and wars in history.

During the Eocene epoch 65 million years ago when CO2 was at 1000 ppm and the earth was so warm that Antarctica was a densely populated lush rain forest teaming with biodiversity the same as the rest of the entire planet was it the end of the world back then?

The only natural climate event proven to lead to mass extinctions is global cooling, not global warming. Ask yourself where in the world is life more diverse right now? In the warm tropical rain forests of the Amazon or the frigid ice deserts at the poles? That alone makes your question and commentary seem very ignorant to say the least.

Well, if we want to go to the trouble and expense of trying to do things that nature has given us for free, such as pure water and pollination of crops by bees, and stuff like that, we can muddle along doing things with chemicals, until that kills us. I mean, the things we do now are bad for us, and we complain about how much they cost, and dont do the smart thing because it might cost a LITTLE extra NOW, nevermind how much its gonna cost in the future. Sometimes you gotta say, stop the politics, and listen to scientists who know about such things. Do things now that will make the future better

It actually does not mean the end of the world but it will be too dangerous for the whole plants and animals and we human beings if the global warming increases in this proportion.. The water will disappeared soon and there will occur the problem of drought.

The best thing for this planet is for the human race to we wiped out. A fungus does not always know that it is a fungus. Sometimes a fungus or a parasite thinks that they are chosen as master and better than everyone else.

AGW won't be the end of the world. the world would survive even if we humans didn't and it is extremely unlikely that AGW will kill all humans.

But some religious extremist hoping for the "Second Coming" would like to see the world destroyed.

For example, according to Sagebrush and Maxx sustainability is as evil as Communism and a huge anti-human Leftist con-game. [1] Sagebrush who frequently quotes his Nazi hero's takes it a step further and compares even "justice" and "equality" to (the evil) communism [2] Clearly they interpret the bible from a very different perspective then the majority of Christians who are decent human being. But the hate for sustainability, justice and equality are not not enough, Sagebrush argues that his god, who he claims controls the global thermostat, is frying children because the parents do not give all the money and/or bow deep enough to his god. [3]

I am sure glad they don't have access to nukes, chemical weapons or biological weapons, because if they did, I have little doubt they would use them to end of human life on this world.


Humans may suffer, or may move away from the coasts; the ocean will be warmer, so many fish species will move north.

in short, if you live or survive ON the earth , the effect on you willbe somewhere between change-inconvenience-and die. But the earth can survive without ALL of us. in fact, without any of us.

Extinctions are part of life. Dinosaurs died, humans evoved.

Humans even survived the ice age but in few numbers.

We're likely to not have 7billion people though.

No, these plants and animals will not go extinct. It is exaggeration, that never gets called out by scientists, because they would rather scare people.

No, it doesn't. It just means we have to stop being glottens and be better decisions makers when it comes to our environment. quality vs quantity. Need to be connected. Need to stop stripping our resources without putting anything back in! Treat mother earth with respect. She'll sustain if we don't drain!

20-30% of species(plants and animals) are likely to be extinction if increases in global average warming exceed 1.5-2.5 °C. And without biodiversity, our water will not be purified, We will die of thirst, that means end of the world!? (and that's can happen until 2050).


Ask anyone living in the Antarctic how good the cold is for bio diversity.

Scientists should know better than to dpfcikstd irresponsibly like journalists love to.

doubt it