> How can the ocean and plants reduce CO2 in the air? Volcanoes, which emit 97% of all CO2 emission, and animal?

How can the ocean and plants reduce CO2 in the air? Volcanoes, which emit 97% of all CO2 emission, and animal?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"Volcanoes, which emit 97% of all CO2 emission"


humans emissions are 135 times larger than the highest preferred global volcanic CO2

BTW, large volcanic emissions tend to cool the planet for a few years due to dust and SO2.

Try again

EDIT: Kano.. thank you.

The oceans are both our planet's largest heat and carbon sink, by far.

You present an absolute lie that volcanoes emit 97% of all CO2 emissions! I challenge you to show the scientific evidence that supports such a claim or you should admit it to being a falsehood of the greatest order.

"The more plants, the more animals, no change in CO2 in the air." - Really? Then explain to us all how atmospheric CO2 levels rose from 280ppm in 1880 to 400ppm today. This ludicrous claim defies even logic. There must be something that is happening to change this natural balance. Do you have any guesses as to what is the one thing that has changed for certain?

"The only factor that can change CO2 in the air is temperature." - And yet, if we were to believe you, the temperatures have not risen for at least 15 years. Yet the CO2 levels continue to climb. You got some splain' to do, Lucy!

"The lower the temperature, the more ice, the lower the CO2 in the air, the higher the temperature, the less ice, the more the CO2 in the air." - Well you actually got this one right. I am willing to venture that you do not have the slightest clue as to why it is right. But, you are welcome to try to explain as to why this is.

LOL! Kano will even tell you that you are cramping his style! Kano, how much will you wager that he is getting this information from Joe Bastardi?

When you're talking about plants and animals, you're a little close to a typical denialist talking point, though in fact it's off the mark because of an important factor.

You need to understand the difference between biological carbon and fossil carbon.

The CO2 in your breath, and the breath of animals, is biological carbon. It came from carbon-based fuels (like starches and fats) that you ate. Unless you're eating petroleum products or something, the carbon in those carbon-based fuels came from the biological carbon cycle. That means it came from plants that made long chain carbons (like starches and fats) from CO2 that they took out of the air. So by breathing, you're only returning CO2 that was already in the air before the plant grabbed it, and thus you're not increasing the (average) amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, you're just recycling it.

Fossil carbon, however, is carbon that hasn't been in the biological carbon cycle. When you burn coal or oil, you are adding the carbon it contains to the biological carbon cycle. Some of that excess carbon will be absorbed by plants, but some will not. So, in general, burning a fossil fuel will increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

You can think of the biological carbon cycle as a little like a fountain. The CO2 pouring into the air from things breathing (or from forest fires and the like) is like the water pouring into the bottom basin of the fountain from the top. But, all that water is water that was pumped *out* of the bottom basin of the fountain, it's just being recirculated. No matter how fast the fountain is flowing, it will never overflow just from that circulation.

Now, CO2 from burning fossil fuels is like a hose dribbling water into that same fountain. It may be a much, much, much smaller flow of water than the water from the top of the fountain, but it *can* eventually make the fountain overflow.

CO2 from volcanoes acts equivalently to CO2 from fossil fuels, but there's a lot less of it. Human CO2 emissions outweigh volcanic emissions by... somewhere between 10:1 and 100:1, I believe, and I think it's closer to the latter.

Could you at least get your denialist talking points correct, rather than just being incoherent?

Why are you asking all these stupid questions about CO2 when you understand so little about what you are talking about.

Do you even know how volcanoes emit CO2 (where do they get the carbon from)

Do you realize that ice contains air not just CO2 so ice does not lock up CO2

what about all the CO2 in carbonates

please stop these stupid questions, and learn about it first.

Volcanoes produce about 1% of the atmospheric CO2... not 97%. None of the rest of this 'question' makes any sense.

Volcanoes do not emit 97% of CO2 You don't know jack John and you are embarrassing yourself by posting all this crap with no real proof

life counter balance the absorption of CO2 by ocean and plants. The more plants, the more animals, no change in CO2 in the air. The only factor that can change CO2 in the air is temperature. The lower the temperature, the more ice, the lower the CO2 in the air, the higher the temperature, the less ice, the more the CO2 in the air.