> Why did John Holdren change his opinion on global cooling to global warming?

Why did John Holdren change his opinion on global cooling to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because the powers that be who pull his strings told him to.

Quote by John Holdren, President Obama's science czar: “A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States...De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation...Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided for every human being."

There we go again. 'Redistribution of wealth' the main tenet of Communism. Slavery and high taxes is what he is about. He really doesn't care how we get there. And he is not alone.

It has to do with the Illuminati of course. The name 'illuminati' derives from Latin meaning 'enlightened'.Obviously Holdren, and others, think they are leading you to a new enlightened frame of mind. See this is where Satan worshipping comes in. It isn't the same Satan that you have heard about however. The name 'Satan' means adversary. Obviously this means that Holdren worships adversaries, most likely to the freedom of humans. Those adversaries are, of course, the Illuminati who are currently attempting to steal our hard earned money from us using the guise of anthropogenic global warming so they can use that money to limit our freedoms. Less money = less freedom obviously. This is, of course, why the poorest over the world live in dictatorships. (Forget about those poor people living in first world countries. They are just plants of course.)

And now that I have lead you to this little bit of knowledge I fear that I won't be around much longer. They are onto me. I am travelling now from internet cafe to internet cafe in an attempt to throw them off but I think they can track me using their hidden advanced satellites.

PS: I think I have seen cats and dogs stalking me. Their eyes seem to glow red or green when pictures are taken of them. It is at this point when we see the implants the Illuminati have placed into their eyes for observational purposes. I feel that they are in league with the Smurfs.

Edit: My research says his real name is Purpleplexisaurus Rex. Latin for Purpleplexisaurus Rex.

I don't think he ever predicted "global cooling."

Is there a credible link proving it?

Speaking of fascists, as you were a question or two ago, LaRouche ('60s lectures on Marx's dialectical materialism, '70s KKK, '90s in prison for mail fraud), being a top roommate choice for Satan, would suggest that he is well qualified to identify other "Satan worshippers."

You are absolutely correct that Holdren (current Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy for the White House) was a COOLER-nut before he became a WARMER-nut. http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=873

He also wanted enforced population controls, including compulsory abortion, adding sterilants to drinking water or staple foods, forced sterilization for women after they gave birth to a designated number of children, and discussed "the use of milder methods of influencing family size preferences" such as access to birth control and abortion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Holdre...

Now Obama has this creepy nut in charge of White House science.


C - You say: "My apologies...I didn't realize he was a global cooling guy in the 70s I thought you meant skeptic to warmist"

Thank you for that moment of honesty.


What caused him to change his mind? Evidence. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


When exactly was he a denier??

There is no science supporting global cooling That is pure denier bullsh*t


Through scientific research?

Just a wild guess.

Apparently the government stopped funding BS studies on global cooling. He was calling for eugenic population control in the 1970's for the coming new ice age. He predicted "ecocide" from cooling temperatures. What changed his mind? He even wrote a book about Global Cooling. Why is he considered a credible climate scientist? He seems to change his opinion to the current "consensus" Thus proving my repeater theory. This example is what drives climate science.......it is a big game of following the leader......LORD ROTHSCHILD.