> How beautiful is this you climate change nut jobs 1.7 million square MORE kilometers of ice!?

How beautiful is this you climate change nut jobs 1.7 million square MORE kilometers of ice!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Simply amazing! And somehow, Taxpayers continue to be robbed/scammed by con-artists calling themselves "scientists" to the tune of $$Billions every year.

When you have the conclusion and want to make the facts fit it, you can always word thing differently and ignore the inconvenient truth (that phrase sounds familiar, doesn't it) that the Antarctic ice shelf is melting from below. How is that great scientific journal, the Daily Mail, going to react when the shelf cracks off and "calves"?

Considering the length of the coastline of Antarctica, that's only about 25 miles wide.

Doesn't seem nearly as much when you look at it that way, does it?

Unless, of course, you see any extra ice as an indication that the world is cooling.

In which case, you might post in the political section, because there's precious little science in your understanding.

More square km but fewer cubic km.

Like a 2 square km lake 1 meter deep has less water in it than a 1 square km lake 5 meters deep.

"It's the dirty story of a dirty man

And his clinging wife doesn't understand

His son is working for the Daily Mail

It's a steady job but he wants to be a paperback writer"

they will come up with a way to make it not true ,or say global warming is so so bad that there is more ice then ever before

Surface not volume. The LOSS is 500 cubic km.


God is making a mockery of all greenie fools. Only they aren't smart enough to realize it yet!

the deniers are total nutjobs

God dunnit