> What are some solutions to overpopulation?

What are some solutions to overpopulation?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I have a world history project and im having a hard time with this question. Can someone PLEASE help me with it :)

Governments hold useless climate conferences and make decisions which are senseless, as, for example, that within a certain period of years the CO2 output is to be reduced by such and such a percent. This is completely nonsensical fussing and posturing because, even if that which is decided were to be achieved, the entire thing is not even a drop on a hot stone. This is because, already in the time between the resolution and its realisation, hundreds of millions more human beings will populate the Earth and produce still more filth and CO2 than the quantity that was decided upon. Therefore, the entire climate conference is counter-productive and idiotic because the only correct solution would be one from conferences concerned with the reduction of the overpopulation, at which resolutions, which are effective worldwide, for the radical decimation of the overpopulation, would be made and carried out and certainly by means of a worldwide, regulated control of births. Overpopulation is the root cause of the excessive consumption of natural resources and food stuffs, environmental damage and world poverty. The implementation of HUMANE global population reduction bringing a halt to births by way of a global effort e.g.. global birth stop for a period of seven years followed by seven years of births, then the cycle repeating over again. Surely this suggestion or something similar offers a realistic and effective solution for several major escalating world-wide issues

Empower women. That means education, access to jobs and access to healthcare. The result -- in EVERY SINGLE SOCIETY that has taken these steps -- is that women can and do defer childbirth and have fewer children.

Of course, this also means telling the make chauvinist pigs to keep their pants zipped and make room in the classroom and job market. A good rule of thumb: the men with the brains to compete with women support equality. If a man doesn't, it's becasue he doesn't have what it takes to hold his own when he doesn't have special privileges (he's a loser, in other words).

Some are:

Changing status of women causing departure from traditional sexual division of labour.


Reducing infant mortality so that parents do not increase their family size to ensure at least some survive to adulthood.


Immigration reduction

I named few that I feel ok with, there are some others that border on murder and crime against nature and are not ok with some religious beliefs, these few are neutral.

Oh and Marcus you are not funny. Genocide is a serius thing and it is wrong.

C has a good answer, the poor who work in the fields need lots of children to help them, by denying them cheap energy, we are denying them prosperity, education, and the chance of improvement.

If a farmer had a small tractor he would'nt need lots of children.

This is how leftists and AGW cultists who were concocting the 2009 climate treaty (UN agenda 21) think world overpopulation should be dealt with:


There is no overpopulation; the goverment created this information, so that this drives people away from believing our world is depopulizing. Believe it or not, the system aims to depopulize the world.


Some solutions are,

1.Storm water Pollution Prevention

2.On-site Source Control

3.Community education

4.Storm water Treatment Devices

5.Make people aware about the concept of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.

6.Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural activities.

7.Avoid buying packages items as they will lead to garbage and end up in landfill site.

8.Ensure that you do not litter on the ground and do proper disposal of garbage.

9.Buy biodegradable products.

10.Do Organic gardening and eat organic food that will be grown without the use of pesticides.

11.Create dumping ground away from residential areas.

education and no government handouts. if you're talking third world countries, education is the key - in my opinion. if you're talking the US, then stop the handouts and let the people see just how tough life is.

Tell the people opposed to "artificial" methods of birth control to mind their own business. Provide the best methods of birth control to the people who will use them. Let them make their own choices. For too long, the USA has been knuckling under to the knuckleheads who think that their choice should be imposed on everyone.

I have a world history project and im having a hard time with this question. Can someone PLEASE help me with it :)

wealth more rich people , less children . Water and good health is helpful too

The best approach is to educate and feed children and the poor in general. It has been shown in India that educated women restrict their family size voluntarily corresponding with increased education (at least a middle school education for women and men) This comes about primarily because the women take an interest in and consider education a priority for their children. In addition, as women become educated and gain more autonomy, they are more likely to begin working on their own to become part of the global economy and bring mosey into the family

Healthcare, reproductive healthcare and increased availability of birth control are tantamount to controlling population Unfortunately when developing countries experience budget cuts, they frequently take money away from reproductive health care

Contraception and pensions. Good answer from Dandelion.

This is the global warming category of Yahoo Answers, and favored by anti-science kooks, so you are liable to get many bizarre answers. You might try a different category, such as Economics, or History.

Historically, there have been two general responses to overpopulation (of humans):

1) Couples have fewer children (often by postponing marriage and/or cohabitation)

2) People emigrate. Example: Ireland, which has fewer people now than it did 170 years ago.

Genocide has had almost nothing to do with overpopulation. Uninformed posters might at least bother to look up the definition of the word "genocide."