> Will humanity reach an equilibrium between civilization and nature?

Will humanity reach an equilibrium between civilization and nature?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 


Those gases remain trapped in the lumber unless it is burnt. Normally, the trees are replanted so that they can be harvested again. Thus, logging is a way of sequestering CO2.


Local weather events have nothing to do with global warming. Droughts are normal. So are floods. Have you forgotten that in January 2011, Australia experienced floods? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010%E2%80%...

Politicos tried to blame those on global warming as well, but that had nothing to do with it. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/colum...


Drastic steps have been taken. Ordinarily what happens when governments get this mandate, they respond mostly by relicensing old nuclear plants past their expected "safe" operating lifespan. This is why there is a problem at Fukushima today. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukushima_I...


That is political code for more GMO food and more nuclear power. http://fukushima-diary.com/2013/05/cs-13...

Is that what you meant to advocate?


That is political code for wealth transfer from first world countries to those favored by the UN via the climate liability mechanism and moving industry around. http://www.npr.org/2012/12/07/166748716/...

Is that what you meant to advocate?


If reversing population growth is your goal, creating famine this way will accomplish it. Is that what you meant to advocate?

<<... weather patterns the world over indicate the planet is beginning to become unstable.>>

That is a myth. There is no evidence of increasing severe weather http://policlimate.com/tropical/index.ht...

other than radioactive fallout. Severe weather has been around longer than global warming.

You have been brainwashed by the media, the facts are there has been no warming for the last 15 yrs, arctic ice is at the highest it has been for the last ten years, Antarctic ice is at it highest ever recorded extent and is still growing



Due to Co2 our planet is getting greener plant bio-mass is increasing in spite of deforestation


Wake up you quote weather not climate, this year in April America had the 3rd highest snowfall in 47 years that's weather I could say it's proof of global cooling, but it's just weather.

was it your devotion to the new green religion that made you so anti human and against your own species?

It's become clear that global warming is real and humans are responsible for producing the majority of it. Anyone who denies that at this point is delusional. Despite the overwhelming evidence, society plugs along unabated, producing ever more amounts of greenhouse gases, cutting down more and more acreage of forests that trap those gases, and watching as the polar ice caps and glaciers of the world melt. North America suffered under a tremendous heat wave and drought last year, and Australia experienced a severe heat wave in January, setting new records. Has anyone paused to think what might happen in as little as 25 years if nothing is done? What about 100?

I believe the first step in solving this problem which transcends nations and race is to engage in a global, spirited discussion about it. We must lobby our governments to take drastic steps to curb greenhouse gas production. We must quickly develop sustainable ways to produce food and energy, as well as sustainable methods of transportation. And most importantly, we must ALL, myself included, take responsibility for the disastrous state of our planet. Not one of us is without blame.

I believe it will be necessary to convert large areas of Earth's surface from agriculture back to wilderness, particularly forests, to absorb CO2, while also slowing and reversing our population growth, thus developing a balance between nature and civilization. With so many people living on this planet, it's clear that in spite of all noble efforts to keep our planet healthy, recent weather patterns the world over indicate the planet is beginning to become unstable. When we solve this problem, we solve it not only for ourselves but for all generations to come.

Would you comment and share your thoughts? I know this is a controversial subject but please don't answer if you have something rude to say.