> Do denialists know what the words, socialist and communist mean?

Do denialists know what the words, socialist and communist mean?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The extreme right wing loves to use such words in insults and ad homs, but do they have any idea of what they are talking about?

The majority have no idea, try explaining to those extremist that Jesus was a socialist [1,2,3]. Now I am a labeled a "libertarian socialist" [4] and "atheist".

I recognize that communism like capitalism are both beautiful in theory, I think they both unworkable in practice as humans are not (yet) smart enough, so we just muddle on. The best way forward I feel is to make sure some basic human needs are met and support those who are less capable. Obamacare is a poor way to ensure health care to people, better then it was, but still far more expensive and inferior to single payer systems that developed nations have in place.

However, there is no reason why climate science or recognizing that we should be taking care of our environment would be divided based on economic ideology. How we deal with any issues might vary.

They are various words describing Marxists. There are other words such as fascist which is so broad it can be argued to include anybody you don't like. There are other words such as progressive and liberal.

Since Marxism generally leaves a really bad track record, it adherents tend to change names often. In the 20s, Progressives were the rage until President Wilson showed what it really meant and it became a very bad word so they changed what they wanted to be called. Socialist and liberal sounded better. The L word became distasteful so Nancy Pelosi must have figured out that people have forgotten how unpopular Progressives were so she tried to readopt that name. Whatever you want to call them, they are people that think the government is the solution to nearly all problems.

There are various nuances as to what each one means but they are different parts of the same turd IMO.

Yes I know there are various degrees of socialism as well. I don't have a big problem with the government helping some people but it seems the government just can't control itself. Problem is we have gone so far off the deep end I don't think the distinctions matter that much anymore.

Hey Dook? Are you really posting a song that explains why we pay real estate taxes and state taxes? Just goes to show how much your own education has carried you.

I bet you voted for a thumbs up on Hey Dook's answer too.

Hey! You asked!

Roy Zimmerman? Really?

Let's try George Carlin even though he was really an environmentalist :

A rose by any other name. The problem isn't those improperly using the words, the problem is liberals getting offended when their beliefs are defined by these words. You should own up to it when one of your ideals falls into one of these definition. Instead what we get is ridiculous claims of how some parts of our society are socialist, like radiating my brain is ok because they used radiation to kill cancer in my prostate.

I don't think it's just denialists. I think lots of Americans, in particular, confuse socialism with communism.

Most European nations are fairly socialist. France would be a good example. France certainly isn't communist.

I think we've seen an increase in the misuse of 'communism' for 'socialism' by our American friends ever since the first stirring of Obamacare. So it's nothing to do with AGW and denialism and everything to do with a deliberate misuse of the words by conservative sections of the media subsequently fuelled by members of the public who should know better but like the emotive impact of the word 'communism',

Socialism is where people get poorer. Communism is where they arrest you for pointing out that fact.

Well they think it means gore will get all the money and give the rest of us $260 a week so we are all the same. This may not be accurate but whatever they think is a fantasy all the same

Sure. You can split hairs over the exact definitions all day long, but they all boil down to wealth redistribution determined by a central government that is not based on need or merit.

I'll use both terms freely to describe you voting to have my money confiscated and distributed to others.

If only it were warming, eh? If only...

I know Al Gore is a capitalist and he's made a lot of money by scaring brainless sheep like you.


Read and learn.

What has this got to do with the "pause"? Why is it a "pause" anyway, not an "end"?

The extreme right wing loves to use such words in insults and ad homs, but do they have any idea of what they are talking about?

No, it's just their standard insult

Yes, they are such geniuses, even Einstein couldn't have understood their brilliance.

Well, your automatic handing out best answer votes to a select few is not socialism in theory, but it is pretty close to socialism in practice.