> What's the point of debating the "Global Warming" issue if we are all subjects to the ....?

What's the point of debating the "Global Warming" issue if we are all subjects to the ....?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

It is the old sleight of hand. "You schmucks argue about the intricacies of AGW and, with the other hand, we will grab your money and fly off to club med and laugh at you stupid fools."

Tell me that isn't happening.

The US has signed but not ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity (aka International Biodiversity Treaty). The Treaty is to implement conservation schemes, and gives no jurisdiction of land to the UN or anyone other than the national country which the land is located within.

Using your logic how can we discuss any matter, as money runs the world (the USA elections spend more money than a small countries GDP). The environment largely has no economic value ... therefore you could argue until environmental costs (true costs) are attributed that environmental issues can not seriously be discussed (as the dollar always speaks louder).

An example from my personal experience. I was employed by the state environment agency, and we had to assess mining proposals. The agencies position was to approve all mining proposals with provisions, as history had taught them that refusing the proposals was futile, as money (politics) always over rode the science. (Only public pressure could actually beat money/power). So the agency adopted the position of always approving them with provisions to ensure that the "best" environmental outcomes could be achieved.

Do you know Billy? Is he still alive or did they finally get to him for speaking the truth?

You forgot about the Lizard People.

The simple answer to all your ultimate questions:

.... Global Monetary Elites?

We debate this issue under the "smoke and mirrors" of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank. Does anyone else but me understand that these organizations drive the issue? Can anyone else understand that if we can't control our own money, then we can't control an issue like Global warming? We can debate the issue back and forth until we are blue in the face, but if we don't get a hold of our debt issues, then we will never be able to do anything about it anyway. Being under the thumb of a few Global Monetary Elites is not my idea of living. These are the people who made it easy to have credit and are currently in charge of our Government debt. They make it simple for our Governments to borrow money and they keep on doing it and charging interest. Most of our debt is interest that has been compounded for years and recently borrowed money from our big banks (who are controlled by the IMF and World bank). Does anyone understand that they amortize debt in the same way a person mortgages a house? It's simple to understand when you step away from the issue.

Yellowstone, Big Bend, Sequoia, Rocky Mountain, Great Smoky, Yosemite, and the other national parks and monuments here in the U.S. are under UN jurisdiction and control. The World Bank and the IMF control the UN because the UN is in debt to them. Until we get control of our banking systems all over the world, there is no policy that we can make in the name of the climate that can be enforced.
