> Is global warming still an issue?

Is global warming still an issue?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Dylan - is a scientifically illiterate nitwit without a clue. There are reasons -scientific reasons - that the earth's temperature has varied over time. People like Dylan have no idea what those reasons are . If they did, they would tell you; but, they don't - because they can't.

Yes, global warming is still an issue. Even though the root cause of global warming is well known, the facts are that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, that without greenhouse gasses the earth average temperature would be 33C colder (a giant snowball) and that we have added 40% more CO2 to the atmosphere. There is not one scientist who denies these facts. The issue that remains is the question how bad it will get and how do we resolve the dumping of CO2 from the combustion of fossil fuels into the atmosphere.

You could try sending an email to Trevor, he is a climate scientist who is able to explain things in layman's terms and willing to do interviews from what I understand.

The global warming still an issue is whether or not global warming is still for my secondary research i need to gather important peoples the project for secondary research.

You'll get more sensible answers if you research the earth's history rather than current pseudo-science.

They had to admit the other day that 'parts of the world are getting colder'. So how can it 'global' anything then?

I also suggest you look at the written works of respected author Christopher Booker.

It's heartwarming to see the schools are doing their best to keep this destructive non-topic afloat.

Does anyone know who finances the United Nations and the IP CC? Governments borrow money from their central banking system at interest to pay the UN. Ever wondered how the Rothschild family became rich?

"Fractional Reserve Lending" is the biggest issue that people don't understand that has been damaging people. It use to be against the law in England. They called it "Usury". Charging people interest was morally wrong and it still is. Does anyone understand that income taxes are used to secure payment of the interest of our national debt? It was written into the "Federal Reserve Act of 1913". Without the income tax attachment to the interest payment, the"Federal Reserve Act" was useless to the monetary elites.

If people remain being "stupidified" about 2 realities, then I see Global Governance.

Global Warming is a minimal "stupidification" once one understands that most all Governments around the world are controlled by a central banking system and is run by a few elites. Global Warming is just a diversion.

These banks are debt-based which means Governments borrow money from them at an interest rate and is compounded daily. The Banks are all connected. It is my hope that people will wise up to this and find the courage to break up this control.

The Federal Reserve Banking System is not a Government entity here in the United States. The Supreme Court has ruled several times on this and found that it is privately owned. It has stockholders. Our Government borrows from it to pay its debts. The interest has been compounded for many years. That is why our National debt is so high (almost $17 trillion)


There are 2 options on this issue. Global Governance or the collapse of centralized banking and people actually having control (which will bring back intelligent reasoning on issues instead of what a few elites want things to be like). If you watch a YouTube video called "The Money Masters" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOZ2l6UNY...

you will realize this.


This is not a Democrat or a Republican issue. The monetary elites are more than happy to have us arguing back and forth about issues instead of understanding how our banking systems work. It's easy money for them at an enormous rate even at 3%. All they do is collect their checks every once in a while. Fractional Reserve Lending should be against the law as with income taxes. They've done enough damage to people's integrity. Having the Government (elected representatives) control our banking system and issuing our own money (Did you know Lincoln was shot because he was only one step from making 'Greenbacks' a permanent part of our economy? Garfield was assassinated for the same stance) is the answer. Congress can save us from inflation and deflation by keeping control of our monetary system. The Fed controls the amount of money in our system and causes so-called "Business Cycles".

It is and it will stay a priority as long as the economic activity of the human kind is at levels that could influence the Nature. People but not guns kill other people, but if guns have not been discovered the killings probably would have been less. Anyway, if one species has the power to annihilate life on the planet that it inhabits, it is obvious that the same creature could be a reason for many other bad connections.

I better answer this question Person before I pop out to work :( Sage you think any of the bunk you post is proving anyone wrong You can't even prove yourself right Well take care Person.

Yes it is still a serious scientific issue, and VERY SEPARATELY, also a serious policy issue, and yes nitwit anti-science dupes still paste asinine lies here that they stupidly copy from conspiracy theory crackpots denying these realities.

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes. Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”







Of course, Why not, Global worming is the most important issue for our natural environment. To protect we should prevent global worming.

Sage you think any of the bunk you post is proving anyone wrong You can't even prove yourself right

Global warming is very real and is not going away. The accumulation of CO2 and other man made greenhouse gases will keep GW going through 2100 and beyond. Global warming firms up the higher CO2 levels get

If you are looking for articles then do a search like

global warming articles 2013

global warming impact articles

For my Level 1 project my topic is whether or not global warming is still a priority in todays economic crisis, for my secondary research i need to gather important peoples opinions from interviews newspapers etc, can anyone help me find anything for this research? Also is tyhere anything else you think i could include in the project for secondary research?

Most certanly, because global warming affects the economy.

The Politicians love Global warning - just another excuse for more TAX.. just like Carbon TAX which now has Carbon 'Trading', where businesses trade 'brownie points - credits' and try to make us think they are cleaning up their 'emissions'... and not changing the status quo one bit, except to lessen their tax and pass it on to us dopey consumers.

Global warming, and SEA LEVEL RISING... well the insurance companies have jumped on this one by mapping areas where the sea will rise 1 meter in 100 years - and then double, tripling the insurance premiums on houses in those zones - based on the 'assumption' the houses flood or get submerged - in the next 100 years.. good grief!

Assumptions are generally based on misinformation - but tax and death is hard to avoid, just like finding an honest strait talking politician.

What if the Warming gets Cooler (as we enter another ice age), and the sea level drops?

Will we get a credit payment on overpaid tax and insurance? Fat chance.

Most of this misinformation can be attributed to COMPUTER MODELLING - and Who questions WHAT information is fed into the modelling algorithm?

Read UN agenga 21. It is a distopian non-binding anti-human agenda to control population growth, redistribute wealth, creation of a new world order ruled by a global government with unelected elitist politicians, and severe restrictions of civil development under the guise of 'sustainable development.' This passed the UN in 1992. Notice how there is no mention of climate change or global warming anywhere in that agenda.

Next read the proposed climate change treaty from the 2009 Climate change summit. UN agenda 21 was the foundation for the proposed treaty with some environmental BS added to it.

This BS about global warming is nothing more than an attempt to make the non-binding UN agenda 21 into a fully binding international law and it has absolutely nothing to do with trying to save the environment.

The global warming alarmists have never had a single prediction of climate change chock full of dire conquences come to fruition yet they cling to their theory as gospel. Notice how the global warming alarmists use heavily modified climate data collected over the past 3 decades to base their entire prophecy of catastrophic environmental doom and gloom with all their theories and all those studies and senses of local perception completely ingnoring the previous 100s of millions of years of climate history data collected. Notice that global warming alarmists decry their dire climate warming consequences will occur within decades (our own life spans) when historical climate evidence proves that those same 'consequences' took 10s of thousand of years to occur (melting of polar ice and raising the sea levels. Will Al Gore's San Francisco be there just like his flooding maps show in his docufiction movie in 5 thousand years when the sea levels rise?)

Also notice that when the world and national economies start to crumble politicians suddenly start suspending environmental regulations among other things to boost the economy.

Global warming theory is a religion. None is based on any real world evidence. In fact real world evidence has a nasty habit of contradicting global warmist theory and ideology. Like pollution from US coal burning plants cause global warming yet pollution from coal burning plants in China is responsible for halting global warming. Global warming causes droughts yet the arid regions Africa's Sahara desert is shrinking as more rainfall is causing vegetation to grow in once arid places. Global warming causes famine and loss of plant and animal ecology across the globe yet satellite imagery collected since 1982 proves an 8% increase of global density of vegetation. More plants equals more animals equals more sources of food. It's fun to scan the internet for such theorectical paradoxes and outright contradictions of theory and real world observation.

But also take note of how radical global warming alarmists demand retribution against those who do not hold their views or dare question them. They resort to threats, violence, name calling, demands of public humiliation, criminal prosecution, etc. They also resort to Orwellian style propaganda designed to intimidate those who question or are skeptical such as the UK ad depicting an exploding child in a gory bloody scene because he dared showed skeptism. This is because in face of growing evidence that debunks AWG they are getting desperate. This global warming 'crisis' was their best chance at finally making UN agenda 21 a binding agreement.

Scientifically, no. The earth has been cooling for over a decade while the CO2 level has increased.

Politically, yes. Some people have a vested interest in this subject and will not give up even if they are scientifically proven wrong a million times.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister: “No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Here is an extensive article on the subject. It is a good starting point.


Lots of success!

Grifter: If you can read charts, read this one.


I have just proven I am right. Now I demand an apology and retraction. Notice I stayed away from El Nino and I used RAW data.

yes ofcourse

Yes. there seems to be no limit to the billions and billions that the powers that be are willing and eager to waste upon this.


Global warming has nothing to do with the economy, it's actually just a normal thing the earth goes through, it'll go through years of hot the years of cold, it's stupid that people freak out about the earths normal cycle