> Do you realize that Climate Change is currently happening?

Do you realize that Climate Change is currently happening?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Really it is. I am from a tropical country and I observed that it is getting hotter and hotter every summer, that the temperature exceeds beyond normal. Storms and typhoons became stronger too compared to the last few years, and with this I can conclude that climate change is really happening right now!!!!!! Just overreacting.

Yes I am aware that climate change is currently happening. However, my opinion is not based on my personal experience, but instead on science research of long term trends in weather and temperature patterns. Not sure if that disqualifies my response from your survey, sorry!

It's very difficult to answer that question using only personal observations. Using limited personal observations while ignoring facts is the reason why we have a skeptic problem right now. It's not something that you can just look out the window and come up with a conclusion by comparing it to what you think things were like the year before. It takes mountains of data over very long periods of time to come up with a proper conclusion.

I have lived in the same area in Washington state for 23 years and I have noticed a change in weather over more than 15 years of that time. Winters have been getting milder, summers have been getting hotter, we've been getting more frequent and longer droughts, and we've been setting record high temperatures year round.

By the way, thank you for not calling it global warming. It's an inaccurate term that ignores the intricacies of this extremely important issue.

In 67 yrs sometimes hot, sometimes cold just like it has always been

I say no. Look how cold it was in the 70s and 90s. Omaha. NE had -40 degrees around Halloween on the early 90s.

Yup, the way we dress, the way the more technology is being produced for our situation like zircons, refrigerator. the sudden change of temperature also

From experience, it's gotten noticeably colder over the last 12 to 15 years.

I personally in 72 years haven't seen any. I was born and raised in a farm area and the farmers are producing crops and living just as they did when I was born.

The climate has changed.....sometimes cold.....sometime warm.....all of my life.

This is a small survey for my assignment, so please help me to answer it. Thank you.

Please answer this by your personal opinion and the most importantly based on personal experience. Is Climate Change happen in your life?

Please don't answer it based on what you've watch on TV or read in newspaper, websites, or any other media that might change your opinion.