> Why is global ice 3rd highest ever?

Why is global ice 3rd highest ever?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Contrary to what some1has2b says sunshine hours is a respected site, no-one has ever even accused then of manipulation, no doubt NOAA data will be available in a day or two, that will confirm this.

for the Nth time - your 3rd highest extent is for a 1-day total of global SEA ICE AREA. It does NOT refer to global ice in total.

on day 359 and ice extent. this is not all ice nor representative of volume change over time.

Some people say that Earth is only 6,000 years old, but the idea that Earth has only been around since 1980 is a new one.

I can make a chart as well. Will you put as much faith in it as you do sunshine hours? Would it help if I had Wordpress host my website? Why do you put any faith in sunshine hours graphic?
