> Is it true that blind people cannot see conspiracies?

Is it true that blind people cannot see conspiracies?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Sometimes it is remarkable what the blind can "see"

I am guessing most wouldn't be less gullible than the general population but I am guessing there.

"Studies show that belief in conspiracy theories is associated with low self-esteem and lower crystallized intelligence."

Lower crystallized intelligence? Crystallized?

I really have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

I haven't really noticed those correlations, I wonder if there is a peer reviewed study not that I would believe it anyway.

I have never bought the argument of a conspiracy for AGW. It is too out in the open to be called a conspiracy. 95% of the climate models are overestimating the current temps. That is not some conspiracy with people hiding in the shadows. That is right out there for everyone to see. CLEARLY there is bias in the climate science community.

To me, the warmers entire attack of other things people believe who disagree with them is silly. I can believe the moon is made of cheese and say the sky is blue. My belief that the moon is made of cheese does not stop the sky from being blue.

No amount of insulting, motive questioning, or claims of mental illness is going to change the fact that 95% of the climate models are overestimating. Nothing is going to change the fact that the media so oversells AGW that we constantly have people coming here worried about the end of the world.

This exaggeration is prevalent. It is like saying the sky is blue. If someone believe in bigfoot and that the sky is blue, GUESS WHAT... The sky is not going to change colors.

Was that the study into conspiracy theories that claimed that people who believed in conspiracy theories were more likely to believe in conspiracy theories? I hope that didn't cost me a lot of my tax money.

Do sceptics believe in conspiracy theories or is it yet another strawman argument put forward by the gullible?

Were the Emperor's New Clothes a conspiracy or was there just an initial motivation of greed by a few that everyone got caught up in?

Face it Sage, every single time anyone says something conspiratorial (knowingly or not), that person is bound to be 'on your side of the argument'.

Chemtrails, HAARP, Agenda 21, anything perceived as weather/climate related and not fully understood (or not at all; a lack of understanding is a key element of conspiratorial thinking) are regularly seen in this section of YA to 'explain' global warming..

And let's not forget about what deniers pass off as 'credible sources: the Daily Mail, Infowars, Breitbart and only the other day someone used http://www.whale.to/b/weather.html to underline his HAARP claim. whale.to, I kid you not (it has an extensive section on Lizard People).

In large measure, yes, "cognitively blind" people tend to not perceive genuine conspiracy..most especially if they have been suffering from PTSD and frequently associated cognitive dissonance.

That's just what the man wants you to think.

Obviously crackpots have a tendency to believe in lots of conspiracy's, but then not all conspiracy's are false


you think evolution is a lie and over 90 % of scientists are liars

you are part of the real conspiracy

No, it's fault

Sheepies can't see conspiracies

This question is inspired when one of our contributors made this statement, "Studies show that belief in conspiracy theories is associated with low self-esteem and lower crystallized intelligence."

This coincides with Alinsky's Rules For Radicals #5. Demean and insult the other person's position.

At least the blind have an excuse. This is worse. Here are people who can see the truth but they hide it for their own political motive and gain. Shameful.

the cannot see. they can hear and think.

unless the studies are referenced, it is hearsay.