> Why try to stop Global Warming? Let humanity end?

Why try to stop Global Warming? Let humanity end?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
be nice children...

Human society is only about 10 thousand years old, barely a blip in Geologic time.I want humanity to last for millions of years. Hopefully we will learn to clean up our act but we are getting cleaner and more efficient. Eventually China and the rest of the developing world will as a well. If humans are so hard on trees, where did all those trees come from that I see every day. Have you ever made a trip through Northern California. If anything, there are probably too many trees and they are overcrowded.

We are a part of nature as much as any tree is. And nature could wipe the lot of us out very easily, just like the dinosaurs - nature is not always 'good', or 'safe'. Survival and reproduction are fundamental to all living things - humans included. Although you could be forgiven for thinking otherwise.

Even if you don't stop it, it isn't going to wipe out humanity though if humanity is lucky (and it gets that far) it will cause sufficient disruption to stop the human activities that was causing global warming. So it will resolve itself, one way or another, just a question of what population the world is left with.

If you want people to die, letting Earth warm is as good of plan as any. Some people want to see humanity die off to save Earth, but not the realists. But if we want to save Earth, or more correctly, Earth's biosphere, who are we saving it for?

Madd Maxx

I can cherry pick, too.




But, I have an even better idea. How about an honest graph?


You are a sad brainwashed person.

The planet belongs to us. We are what the planet was made for. There is no 'mother nature.' And there is no man-made Global Warming.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Humans are basically parasitic on the Earth, and like any host of a parasite, Earth will do it's best to rid itself of said parasite. Good luck!

Here here, liberals are so smart they'll be the only survivors and then can create a utopia where no one has to work and everything is free.

Like most humans I have the will to live.

Your sooo sick, start by eliminating yourself maybe others will follow.

Humans have lasted for way too long, we contaminate the environment, kill all the animals, eat all the others, cut down all the trees.

Humans have proven themselves no worthy of mother nature... why are some of you trying to stop Nature....

Nature doesnt want us anymore.