> Is it warmer in 2014 compared too 2013?

Is it warmer in 2014 compared too 2013?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yeah...! The temperature has been slightly raised

I'm in Canada and everybody (under 40 ) thinks we are having an extremely cold winter. I'm over 40 and this is what I would have considered a normal winter in the mid '60's . I checked the weather stats for 1963 and got just about the same as this year. The last 40 years have just been warm.

Try to use a local condition is one U.S., based denier often try to do usually accompanied by some trite catch phase like it snowed in my driveway or city or state.

A local region can be affected by many things which is why it's called global warming and not warming in my driveway.

Look at the temperature record that goes back over 100 year and you see even at the global level other things at work there are rise and falls on a year to year basis they are affected by a range of things volcanic eruptions, the PDO, ENSO (El Nino & La Nina) plus similar other lesser known systems around the planet. But through all that is a gradual rise in temperature.

I don't think anyone can tell you what a particular year will be like based on just what happen in January at either the global or U.K. level. But at the global level January was certainly warmer in 2014 than it was in 2013

2013 - January was 0.54°C (0.97°F) above the 20th century average


2014 - January was 0.65°C (1.17°F) above the 20th century average


ENSO plays a part in things like drought in Australia ans we have had an extended drought even while ENSO has been in a first negative and then neutral phase, it will move to a positive phase and when it does our drought will deepen and extend and the world will be a little warmer. Deniers will say "ah so it's ENSO and not AGW" but that's the childish nature of denial and they already play that game by trying to use 1998 as the start of their claimed cooling when 1998 was a year boosted by what is acknowledged as the strongest ENSO of the last 100 years. Even like ENSO and the PDO can add to or subtract from the effects of AGW sometime these events happen at different times sometimes they act at the same time but the background rise in temperature is still there and it continues.

Will 2014 be a very warm year, I think nothing is certain in short term weather but the odds are quite high it will be. If it is it will be interesting to see what tactic deniers will try next as the "we are cooling" one is running out of legs, as if 2014 is only warmer than 2013 then we will have had 4 straight years of each year being warmer than the last

2011 - was 0.51°C (0.92°F) above the 20th century average (dipped due to an ENSO negative event)

2012 - was 0.57°C (1.03°F) above the 20th century average

2013 - was 0.62°C (1.12°F) above the 20th century average

1014 - ?

ENSO will at some point go back to negative and this is linked to several of our recent cooler years

2008 or 2011, and while deniers jumped up and down and said "look warming is over (again)" the fact is 2008 was still warmer than any year before 1998 including 1995 which at the time was the warmest year in the modern record so even our cooler years are now warmer than our record warm years of the mid 90's.

The other variable is the PDO deniers don't like to talk about it but we have been in a negitive PDO since ~2005 (almost a decade) at some point that also will end, and I think denial will end about the same time,


P.S. and when maxx can't even answer the question he simply cuts and pastes his lazy standard link to his couple of YouTube videos and Mike just wants to talk about the Great Lakes i.e. America because they have no real answer to what is happen in the globe as a whole.

Yes, It certainly is warmer in 2014 here in the UK than last year 2013.

I live in the North West and some people today and yesterday were even wearing flip flops!

The weather is really fucked up and it is only going to keep getting weirder due to the more greenhouse gases we continue to pump out into the atmosphere, especially due to driving cars.

Guess we'll just have to get used to it from now on, after all, we only have ourselves to blame

Average global temperatures are higher. Many local variations. Some areas much hotter, some much colder.

One of the main effects of global warming is that the extra heat in the sea and air causes more extreme weather.

Here you go. It was the 4th warmest globally according to NCDC.


It is the warmest January since 2007.

It was the 3rd warmest January according to GIStemp: http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-bl...

According to UAH, though, it was slightly cooler than 2013.


There is no sense in paying attention to the global warming trend in such short data sets. The UK is not the globe. Everything occurring in today's world with regards to weather has a hint of global warming in it. That does not mean that those weather phenomenon are due specifically to global warming of course. Global warming deals with trends. Stating one incident in one part of the world in one month compared to a year ago is not climate change. It is weather change.

Asking the same question twice is rude

January 2014 was the fourth warmest globally on record and it was warmer than 2013

You can check these types of things here http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201...

No it is much colder, as evidenced by the fact that people are shivering, causing them to post questions multiple times.

2013 was a mild year , 2014 is very cold the great lakes are frozen

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

As of 2014 the Winter in the UK has been mild this time last year between January and February the UK had snow well not all the UK but parts of the UK and temperatures were a lot lower last year this year temperatures were a lot higher well above average two days ago it was 15C in some parts of the UK which was unusual for the February even in December 2013 temperatures in the UK even 11C in some parts of the UK so far temperatures this year in January and February have not dropped below average is this down too global warming.

yes it is