> Is Obama's bird genocide out of control as a result of combating global warming with misguided green energy policies

Is Obama's bird genocide out of control as a result of combating global warming with misguided green energy policies

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

It was a pretty funny article but only because there was so much truth to it. In fact, it is the environmentalists such as Obama, WWF, GreenPeace, etc that don't care about birds. They care about funding and socialism. They don't mind making a profit for themselves but they don't hesitate denigrating anyone else that does kind of like that guy that did that thing but apparently that guy didn't get paid for it because we know he isn't a hypocrit?

Over a million birds die every year from flying into skyscrapers.

The word you want is "avicide," not "bird genocide."

EDIT: No thanks. Your link is no doubt a waste of time and bandwidth.

Another EDIT: By the way, last year a quail flew into the side of my house and killed itself. Multiply that by a 100,000,000 homes or so in the U.S. and your "bird genocide" looks pretty small. Are you advocating that we all get rid of our houses too?

As if you denialists actually care about birds, you would kill them all if there was a profit in it for you

Are you sure that's not a joke-news site?

Yuk what a horrible way to die
