> Can we finally put this Maldives-are-being-flooded by Man-caused catastrophic global warming to rest?

Can we finally put this Maldives-are-being-flooded by Man-caused catastrophic global warming to rest?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Neither Tuvalu, nor the Maldives, are threatened by sea level rise. Neither is Florida, or San Francisco, or Bangladesh, or anywhere else in danger of rising seas due to global warming.

The ocean just isn't behaving the way the alarmists predicted.




I'm still laughing from looking at that graph and then reading your last line...well said. I, too, have a sneaking suspicion that graph didn't make it into their presentation... I bet it's not in the IPCC AR5, either.


With a 2009 blogpost by Anthony Watts in which he cites dowsing fan Nils-Axel M?rner, Don Easterbrook (a 'skeptic' whose numerous predictions have so far all failed) and Willis Eschenbach, an official California masseur with a BA in psychology ? [1] [2] [3]

You're joking right?

Real, peer-reviewed science (you know, the ones NOT posted purely on denier blogs) shows otherwise:

- Becker et al, 2011: Sea levels at Funafuti (Tuvalu Islands) rising 3 times as fast as global average.[4]

- Church et al, 2006: "We find no evidence for the fall in sea level at the Maldives as postulated by M?rner et al. (2004)."

- South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project, December 2010: "Accounting for the precise levelling results and inverted barometric pressure effect, the trend is +3.7 mm/year" [5]


If you prefer the opinion of dowsing fans and 'masseuses' over the scientifically backed opinion of professional scientists, then I am sure you can see anything you can imagine.

Why are you linking such old stuff here? One link is 10 years old. Nobody pays much attention to Baliunas and Willie Soon anymore. They were payed shills for the petroleum industry but the silly stuff they wrote was so transparent they they became ignored.

A much more recent study (2011) found between 1950 and 2009, sea level at Tuvalu rose at a rate of 5.1 mm per year which is much faster than the global sea level rise. Nobody predicted that Tuvalu would have "sunk" by now, but it is apparent this small nation will suffer from significant loss of usable land in 50 to 70 years.

You would do best to try to stay current.

It will be 100-500 years before the Maldives are in trouble. Plenty of time to get tourism the boost that tiny low lying nation needs. As for tsunamis, well they are screwed in that case.

Tuvalu has an "environment official"? Anyways, I would go the Maldives root if I were them. Hold a press conference underwater, get money from a climate change fund while at the same time building a few resorts to increase tourism. If anyone points out the hypocrisy, tell them (with a straight face) you need the money from the environmentally filthy tourism to eventually buy land elsewhere because Climate Change is sinking your island. Alarmists will believe it.

Absolutely not. As long as we continue to add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere to the atmosphere, Earth will warm, ice will melt and sea levels will rise.

Just because the polar bears are not yet extinct, the gondaliers from Venice have not yet moved to New York and the Maldives are not yet under water does not mean that these things will NOT happen.

Looking at the actual data, I don't see much happening at Tuvalu: http://www.bom.gov.au/ntc/IDO70056/IDO70...

I'm pretty sure this graph isn't in the PowerPoint presentation when asking for money.

I did many moon ago.

That's the name of the game. Dip in the US's pocket.

Islands neither float nor sink.so that quote is a lie

We're not as stupid as you

Islands grow and sink. It's nature. Get used to it.

“An environmental official of Tuvalu, Elisala Pita, is concerned with the alarmism of western eco-imperialists. In an interview in the Canadian Globe and Mail on November 24, Pita says that, "This [coastal] erosion is caused by man-made infrastructure. Tuvalu is being used for the issue of climate change. People are telling all these lies, just using Tuvalu to prove their point. No island is sinking. Tuvalu is not sinking. It is still floating." These small atolls have few natural resources, including fresh groundwater. Catch basins or desalination plants form the only fresh water available.”



Are we simply seeing another group lining up for some U.S. Taxpayer-provided handouts?

How about consulting a real newspaper instead of a cut-and-paste trash-blog?

If that's where you're getting your answers then apparently not.

