> Why do bankers, Climate scientist, and World leaders meet in privacy at the Club of Rome?

Why do bankers, Climate scientist, and World leaders meet in privacy at the Club of Rome?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Calm down Billy, no reason to hide under your desk from black helicopters send by the Club of Rome.

Here's a link to the original The First Global Revolution book: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2297152/Alexan...

Now see if you can find the quote above in its entirety. Good luck with that because it simply is not there. Your fake quote is quote-mined: it has been taken from different paragraphs and even different pages from the original text.

The reason it was quote-mined and put in that particular order is obvious: to make it appear the authors in general and the Club of Rome in particular have some sort of nefarious plan. It is also telling that mostly conspiracy minded websites run the fake quote.

In that regard it is ironic that you may have just uncovered your very first conspiracy; not by the authors of the book, but by the websites quoting the fake quote, who want you to believe something which simply isn't true.

Edit @ Billy:


It sure is and it is SUBSTANTIALLY different than your first quote.

The very first phrase of YOUR quote ("Because of the sudden absence of traditional enemies, "new enemies must be identified") is simply NOT THERE while the second and third phrase of the ORIGINAL quote have been deleted all together and thus the quote-mined text changes its meaning considerably. When one reads the preceding text in the original book it becomes quite clear that the "we" used in the book refers to Humanity, not to the Club of Rome.

Edit 2 @ Billy:


That still does not make it true. Note what a Wikipedia editor writes about the quote "This is one of the most absurd quote-mines I have ever seen." Link below

Also, you have access to the original book (which I too have read) and can check for yourself what appears where if at all it appears and yet somehow what Wikipedia says is more true that what is actually in the book itself? Mind-boggling.


Show me exactly where on page 70 it says "Because of the sudden absence of traditional enemies, "new enemies must be identified". It doesn't. There's phrases with a similar wording but their context is TOTALLY different from the one the fake quote wants to convey.

That words or phrases appear in a book does not mean that therefor a quote is true, let alone its context.

I always wonder what various organisations are for. The Club of Rome is one. The Sierra Club is another and then there are the Bilderbergers.

These people do have influence. The Sierra Club is influencing the KXL Pipeline discussion, for instance. Why? Who are they representing?


They are the new improved liberal Robber Barons.

Planning to Bilk the USA out of more cash with Carbon taxes and Cap and trade .

Watch the Conspiracy theory show on Global Warming .

And so called Climate Change damage on other Countries,

and how would that be proven in court ?

I, personally, cannot wait until global warming is finally of enough concern to enslave the entire population of earth to a certain group of 500 members of an elite ruling class.

Wait...why am I telling you this? Oh no. I'm running low on fluoride, I need to drink more water...and wait, I haven't been outside lately. Chemtrails, where are you, I need my fix! I am revealing the plan oh help me reptilian overloards! I speak too soon! Please don't kill me, please....please nOOOajsdojsd.................dsajODJADJ

How can you discuss the best use of propaganda and let everyone know what you are saying, it just wouldn't work then

Hi Billy

I'm sure your came across this place in your research http://www.youtube.com/wa...

Just some friendly chit chat.......is that OK for your elected officials and bankers meeting with climate scientist in private? BTW they do not conspire. Here is how it works. The climate scientists listen to the elite like David Rockefeller talk about how World Government is great and how they can convince the serfs(you and I) that all is true and needed. Climate scientists are brought in to the Club of Rome, not to lie because they believe it is true unknowingly realizing that their whole life is a lie and a bunch of Illuminati smoke and mirrors via the control system I have explained many posts before , but to convince the low end elite politicians also there that AGW is real. This way they go back to their country better brainwashed to enforce Orwellian climate policy. Keep in mind it is all one sided and no one who is ANTI-AGW is invited.

Again not a bunch of mobsters in a Smokey lounge. The Illuminati does it right via propaganda and influence. "I'm billionaire David Rockefeller, I know it all, please listen" most people look up to those who are successful. Influence Influence Influence......the key to the conspiracy.

Baby steps as I prove the truth.....whole new strategy I came up with but let's start here.