> How does extreme heat affect travel?

How does extreme heat affect travel?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Using air travel as an example...

Air temperature affects air density which affects maximum engine power or thrust, this in turns affects the maximum takeoff weight. [1]

Tropical cyclones like hurricane Sandy typically form over large bodies of relatively warm water. They derive their energy from the evaporation of water from the ocean surface, which ultimately re-condenses into clouds and rain when moist air rises and cools to saturation. [2] When hurricane Sandy hit the USA, from October 27 through early November 1, airlines canceled a total of 19,729 flight [3]

Seas9onal conditions can affect the travel. Unexpected change in climate can change all the planning we have done. Also it will not be possible to travel in extremely cold and extremely hot conditions. You can search internet and can collect the details for the paragraph writing.

If it gets too hot Diesels shut down. In New York that was a big problem last year.

yes because the trains can't run

dont know

have a sheet of paper that asks "explain the climatic conditions in two destinations on different continents. in these information sheets you should explain how seasonal climatic conditions can affect to the travel to the two destinations (dubai- extreme heat, USA-Hurricanes