> How are the Polar Bears from Algore's movie "Incomplete Truth" doing today?

How are the Polar Bears from Algore's movie "Incomplete Truth" doing today?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
He is a great great grandpa now.

They look like they are doing fine to me.


But there is a sad note. It seems the polar bears have been abandoned by the Alarmists community as their tear-jerking mascot. I guess they had to do that because just about every learned the Climatists were lying about the polar bears being in trouble. So now it's little furry kittens.

Sierra Club & 350.org ditch polar bears as climate mascot



Liberals have short memories. They don't even remember Al Gore, much less any movie he might have made. Just ask one. And you can forget about them recalling a particular scene from the movie. They also don't read publications and web sites like The Guardian which remind us of past predictions.

Populations are continuing to expand. Enough FACTS are out there about this now that only the true believers in Al Gore continue to argue to the polar bears.

Polar bears are a great symbol from for which highlights where PR trumps science. Polar bears seem to be doing just fine of course the PR aspect requires that they need to be threatened by decreasing Arctic sea ice.

Here is a good blog if you really want to dig into this issue from an independent perspective: http://polarbearscience.com/

And here is an example of a PR rant: http://wwf.panda.org/?210552/Arctic-sea-...

They ate the Inuits (sarc) "as hungry bears deprived of access to sea ice increasingly look for food on land".


Edit: Oh, wait! Seems there is no increase in bear attacks. Just that the climate "scientists" think there will be an increase ("So we predict these kinds of events are going to be more frequent and more severe because of climate change.”. Pfft. Khh. Chh. What else did you think they were going to say?


Very nicely, thank you. They have been able to buy lots of motor cars with the revenue generated by Al's timely publicity.

Fvck off Twerp

The Inuits ate them.

Probably OK.

2100 is a long way off.

Seeing those polar bears on the shrinking ice slowly moving towards the sunset made me feel sad. Does anyone know the fate of these bears and how they are doing today? Did global warming kill them?

Herb Ucks and his mate....Martha.....are expecting their first cub.