> Trevor says <<31 years as a climate scientist including writing papers and constant re-evaluation of knowledge.&am

Trevor says <<31 years as a climate scientist including writing papers and constant re-evaluation of knowledge.&am

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Will Trevor back-up his claim?

"Will Trevor back-up his claim?"

My guess would be: No.

The only way to do that would be to reveal his name and you can do a lot with someone's name. I once contributed to a climate thread in the forum of a professional institution. I got some flak from one or two of the regulars for not using my real name. They wanted to know why I used a handle instead.

I decided to research the main protagonist using Google and his other forum posts. I discovered that he gave talks about engineering in the evenings, had two children of school age, his work email address, his home address, his home and work phone numbers, his wife's name, her work and interests including the causes she supported. Eventually you could deduce when he would be out and only the wife and children will be at home. If you sent spam to his work email address during the school holidays he might have set up an out-of-office-reply that told you when his home will be unoccupied because the family is on holiday or you might be able to work out when his wife would be out at night supporting one of her interests.

All that was just using Google. I left a reply telling him various information about the last digit of his phone number or his wife's middle initial and got in to trouble with the forum moderator not for publishing the data but for showing that it was possible. Obviously, the subject of my investigations was a classic greenie who had lots of good ideas but was not entirely capable of joining them up.

As the internet is full of nut-jobs I suspect many things are best left hidden.

Why not just check his replies and see if they are correct? If you spot an inconsistency then ask a question.

"Trevor says <<31 years as a climate scientist including writing papers and constant re-evaluation of knowledge.>>?"

Your first mistake is that what Trevor said, as you claim, Trevor does not ever say that he ever wrote any peer reviewed papers.

Your second mistake? That would be in your thinking that your asking pointless questions would in any way alter the Laws of Physics, Chemistry and Thermodynamics. They exist and determine what happens in the Universe, regardless of what your opinions or irrational questions will be.

That's pretty amusing from someone that posts as "Anonymous." Why don't you share your name, address and occupation before asking others to do the same? I have no doubt that Trevor is who he claims he is--he hasn't given any reason to doubt it. I have a lot more doubt that Sagebrush programmed vacuum tube computers, as he claimed he did.

Personally, I have been in the meteorology and climate science business for about 9 years now, and had a couple papers published last year--but I wouldn't want to narrow it down any further than saying that one of the papers was in Journal of Climate.

The problem with disclosing your identity is that not only are many of the people on here not rational, and I believe that quite a few--especially from the denial camp--are mentally ill. I have received threats from one of them on more than one occasion. Others seem seriously detached from reality--anyone that believes that HAARP changes the weather or global warming is a giant hoax is at least borderline paranoid schizophrenic.

EDIT for Jello: I'm surprised that you would bring up Jim Z's "expertise" on Bigfoot--I thought you deniers stuck together.

To Trevor, this site is 'peer review'. I think he has a Masters degree in Prevaricationology.

I believe him. I just think his mind has been polluted by pseudo science. The reality is the scientific community is split by global warming and global cooling. All this arguing is doing nothing and government investment into global warming is hindering further knowledge as we are getting no where with the divide.

However some times I question his honesty as he proclaims unproven theories as facts and refuses to reply to good comments.

I know someone who has 40 years experience looking for Big Foot. I doubt many would accuse him of being smart just because he wasted so much of his life chasing a folly either.

did you try going to a university library and read any climate research paper?

it's likely to be over your head

He's not going to answer with any integrity. Alarmist Climate Scientists "know" the limits of CO2 warming, but all they do is "alarm" people. I doubt that they actually know. They can't even "pinpoint" what the "actual" temperature of the Earth is!

you won't, he's a climate scientist on YA only

Why not email him and ask him direct, or would that expose who you are.

Will Trevor back-up his claim?