> What effect does Arctic ice have on our climate?

What effect does Arctic ice have on our climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Along the arctic circle, the summer daytime high of the sun is about the same as the daytime high of the winter sun along the US north west coast. I can assure you that if you stand in the sun, there's considerable warmth. It's true that the daytime max decreases as you move north, however, the minimum height of the sun increases providing more energy even when the sun is lower.

It is true that the lack of ice allows more energy to be radiated, however, all of that radiated energy was captured from the sun, and without ice, far more energy is captured.

Concerning clouds, they do reflect light, reducing some of the warming. However, they also reflect heat, reducing cooling. Most know that when it's cloudy at night, it doesn't cool off nearly as much as when it's clear.

Quite clearly, the reduction in arctic ice is pretty complex. At one time, it was thought that if there was sufficient warming, and addition of fresh water to the Atlantic, it might shut down the Gulf Stream. More recent advanced monitoring has shown the Gulf Stream to be far more variable than had ever been realized.



With an ice cover, only 30-50% of the incident solar radiation is absorbed, the rest being reflected, while without the ice 85-95% is absorbed by the oceans (Washington and Parkinson, 1986).

Very strong. Last year was hot because of a great reduction in Arctic ice area.

Ice has a cooling effect.

Little ice means less albedo, but how strong is albedo at those latitudes? and how much does ice insulate the Arctic ocean, there is quite a lot of heat in the ocean and the ice prevents it escaping.

What do you think does Arctic ice have a cooling or warming effect?