> What is Christian about global warming denialism?

What is Christian about global warming denialism?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Nothing. Good Christians should care about the less fortunate, and global warming's effects are likely to strike the poor more heavily than the rich (both poor vs rich nations, and poor vs rich people within those nations). In fact, several wealthier nations are, at least in the short term, expected to be "winners" from global warming--unless it causes droughts, moderate warming is expected to improve agriculture in places like Canada.

Global warming alarmism is dominated by far leftists who want to impose their agenda. Leftism is as much a religion as a political view. They have an agenda to promote their world view. Their agenda includes removing Christianity from any public practice and promoting atheism. The left never seems to want to be judged by their fruits, only their intentions. It is no coincidence that Obama's policies have devastated the poor as history shows us their solutions always do. It is Christian to look at the fruits of a policy and do what is practical and best for everyone. Centralized authority isn't good for people and it isn't good for Christians. Do I really need to list the examples.

Raisin makes a good point. There really is a competition in religions. Lately the Christians have been losing. I am an agnostic who leans Christian. I really don't have a dog in this fight except that I have seen Christians treated unfairly.


Denialism? LOL, I guess you don't want an answer. Let me start out a question with why you are a filthy liar or too stupid to admit the truth and see if I can expect some intelligent dialogue.

This has nothing to do with religion. I am a deist and you know my views. Fact is that we have seen some warming (0.8 degrees) with some of it coming from man and some from coming out of the LIA (0.5-0.6 from man). While this is slightly concerning, it is not the climate apocalypse.

But you do bring up an interesting point about how your alarmists friend's constant lying and alarmism hurts your cause. Christianity and a number of other religions believe that the apocalypse will come from some supernatural source. SOOO when your alarmist friends LIE and pretend that world is ending, you naturally turn off the religious.

If your alarmist friends would have stuck with the truth the entire time, you probably would not be in this predicament. In fact, Christians and other religions are called to be good stewards of this planet. You could have easily used this notion to work with the religious instead of your comrades pretending that mother earth is a new god that is going to be destroyed by CO2.

Here is a hint... Don't make your AGW into a new good versus evil, satan gas versus heavenly planet type of religion. Religions do not particularly like competition.

There's the part about how Man is above nature, in Genesis (so not necessarily 'Christian'):

"Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

Some people interpret that to mean that we only need to take care of people, and not anything else in nature. (As if the well-being of humans were not dependent on many things in 'nature'...)

they believe it's the God's wrath and is the rightful thing to occur as punishment for man's sins.

In what way is global warming connected to christianity? why should your opinion on global warming be affected by religion? I don't understand your question.

i think its easier for some because they've lived their lives denying it exists in the first place... and beginning to believe their world is being destroyed is too much because it effects their children and thats maybe too scary to think about

i have relatives who believe in protecting the environment but they wont begin to even talk about global warming

Christians shouldn't deny it because its endangering the planet and as Christians we care about the planet and are called to be stewardship and protect and preserve it as Gods creation. And not just as Christians, but also as human beings with common sense

The earth cools and heats up all the time. Nobody denies this. Christian or no.

I don't know.