> Is it hard to think that the Koch brothers would deny global warming, and at the same time, support medical research?

Is it hard to think that the Koch brothers would deny global warming, and at the same time, support medical research?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Of course there is a problem with this hypocrisy. It is a cynical attempt to add to extreme and filthy wealth by lying to and swindling the public, raping the electoral process, and the climate for centuries ahead, while sugarcoating this with a token cloak of charitable donations.

If Democrats had backbones they would be publicly denouncing this, and pointing out the idiotic inconsistency of the so-called tea partyers (actually, in origin, Koch et al funded astroturfers), instead of wallowing in utterly useless feel-good gimmicks like blocking traffic in Ferguson.

They do enormous good by supporting medical research, medical research is even more crooked than climate science, pharmaceutical companies support medical schools, support medical journals, send unbelievable amounts of pamphlets and stuff to doctors weekly,

I know as spent many hours every day for two years, researching medicine as my wife had terminal cancer, some of the things I discovered were truly shocking.

Different types of science. Global warming is a myth.

Not at all. The mafia gives to the church. It gives them a veneer of respectability.

And Exxon gives money to Stamford, in acknowledgement of AGW. They also give money for the asymmetric warfare of propaganda against AGW.

No. One is completely different than the other.

I like Bruce's answer.

God controls the weather

this is what one does when they have money and morals , not waist it on a bunch of lost cause igetts

no, they profit from both.

By denying global warming, they're saying that scientists are wrong.

By supporting medical research, they're saying that scientists need our support.

Is there a problem with holding both positions?