> What does global warming mean in simple terms?

What does global warming mean in simple terms?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
is it true isotope a conspiracy if it is true what does it mean in the simplest terms and what do we need to do to help I personally don't belive in it but just wondering

It's man-made Global Warming that is a HOAX and money and power are the motives.

I suggest you watch these, they do a good job of explaining the entire scam both from the technical and political aspects.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

As the planet continues to warm climate will change thus changing the areas of the planet that can support human habitation.

Areas that have traditionally allowed for harbours and huge cities will be affected by rising oceans. Agriculture will be affected by changes in rain fall (droughts and floods).Humans are resourceful and will be able to adapt, but those that have informed and educated themselves as to our changing future will have the advantage.

Global warming means it makes things colder. Another words, Topsy Turvy World

It amounts to folks ignoring the fact that climate is much more driven by solar activity than CO2 levels...and the other fact that CO2 has a way of increasing AFTER temperature increase, not the other way round. It is also based on politics and ignorance.

It is obviously ridiculous to suggest that thousands of scientist all over the world are secretly working together, publishing false science in order to get the politicians of the nations to increase taxes on every one, including the scientist. Then again it doesn't stop the conspiracy theorist...

First of all, let me say that yes, temperatures are warming. They have since the Little Ice Age ended. And yes, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing, but it has very little direct effect on temperature. It is not at all bad to have more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Global Warming is based in Malthusian (population-control) doctrine, and is supported by militant environmentalists and greedy opportunists.


Wikipedia can give you the basics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Warm...

is it true isotope a conspiracy if it is true what does it mean in the simplest terms and what do we need to do to help I personally don't belive in it but just wondering