> Has the public heard about the 17yr pause in global warming?

Has the public heard about the 17yr pause in global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Isn't it idiotic about these answers?


It has been established and admitted to on this site, even by greenies, that there has been a decline in the earth's temperature. Anybody who says the temperature isn't declining and has been for over a decade now needs to see a psychiatrist. The greenies even admit this. James Hansen admitted this before he retired and went of to full time communist activism.

They greenies even admit it in their emails.


Ha! Ha! These greenies deny there is a cooling cycle, flying in the face of data and yet they call us DENIERS! Ha! Ha!

These poor people may be reading the chart up side down, who knows?

But as to your question, yes the majority of people still believe the earth is warming and the true scientists mainly go unheeded or are drowned out by the drumbeats of AGW. Which goes to prove what Goebbels said is true.

Joseph Goebbel,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

So far the answers prove Goebbels right on target.

Johnathan: Yes those publications are free. And they are worth every penny of it.

File those publications under PROPAGANDA!

I don't think the general public knows.

This is based on personal experience, watching audience reaction on television and listening to interviews. Some environmentalists do not have a clue either. See David Suzuki in Australia: http://www.abc.net.au/tv/qanda/txt/s3841...

Jonathon. Thanks for the links. However,

1. Is about the US. What do warmists say if skeptics post info about the US? They say: Not global and only 2% of the planet's surface area. Also, in 2012 the 1930's in the US got colder according to NASA GISS! Could that be why recent temperatures are the "warmest on record"?

2. Starts by asserting that climate variability has exceeded past norms so it must be man. It then goes on to argue that natural variability is outweighing the effects of man. So I have seen more convincing arguments. Also (Elizabeth) he talks about "oscillations".

3. Seems to be $57 for me?

4. Again what would the warmists do? Well they would attack the funders. All those Democratic billionaires that funded the paper must be distorting the science - known fact!

C is making it up as he goes along again. He is quite right about religion though. I never heard such a stupid idea. But then again ...

? Monk = Scientist - They provide the articles of the faith

? Priest = Journalist - They spread the faith and convert the faithful

? Sin = Carbon Emissions - How an individual's acts hurt the community

? Salvation = Energy Reduction - How an individual can redeem oneself

? Indulgences = Carbon Credits - Buying forgiveness

? Church = IPCC - Organisation in charge of the faith

? Bible = IPCC Reports - the official guidebook to the faith

? Evangelists = Activists - aggressive promoters of the faith

? God = Gaia - the "superhuman" who will "judge" us

? Lovelock = Judas - the betrayer of the faith, the apostate

? Hell = 2 degree temperature rise - hot/cold/dry/wet whatever is bad will be worse

? Signs from God = Any Storm or Drought

? Tithes = Carbon Taxes - every religion needs money

? Garden of Eden = pre-industrial world

? The Serpent = Fossil fuel companies

? The Apple = Burning Things

? Rituals = Erecting Wind Farms. 'Burning' deniers, 'stoning' apostates.

? Warming = God ...invisible, undetectable, unknowable but somehow universal

? Unbelievers = Deniers - to be detested and cast into darkness

? The Devil = Big Oil - the embodiment of Evil

? Demons = Sceptics, in the pay of Big Oil, vital to cast them out.

? Evil Spirit = Greenhouse Gas - it cannot be seen nor touched, but its effects can be felt, even physically.

EDIT: C and thor - please see the following data plot:

The first link is to an older article about 2012 at the NOAA site, titled "By a wide margin, 2012 was the United States’ warmest year on record."

The 2nd link is more important. Just published at the new peer reviewed periodical called "Earth's Future" by the American Geophysical Union (AGU.) It is titled "An apparent hiatus in global warming?"

The 3rd article is by the National Academies of Science, also just out. It's called "Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change: Anticipating Surprises." Quite thorough and with many, many contributors it is very comprehensive.

The 4th is called "Assessing ‘Dangerous Climate Change’: Required Reduction of Carbon Emissions to Protect Young People, Future Generations and Nature" and published at PLOS one.

All of these articles are available, in full, for free. There is NO paywall for any of them.

EDIT: Your question is of similar kind to "when did you stop beating your wife?" My links explain the problem in your question, well and directly. So: yes, I did answer your question accurately and well.

Most of the main stream media hasn't picked up on it. Face it, fear sells. Alarmists know this and it has worked in their favour. "Global warming will produce more deadly hurricanes" gets a lot more attention than "There is a 17 year hiatus in rising temperatures",. "World crop production is at an all time high", "Less people are dying from natural disasters", "There has been no increase in the rate of sea level rise", etc.

More worrisome is the lack of knowledge from the alarmist camp. What I mean is the average YA alarmist, they mislead, misquote, and literally take things out of context.


Probably comes as no surprise but they ruled out natural variability as having any influence early in the game:http://www.skepticalscience.com/global-w...

Now I see its made a comeback without any definitive quantifiable values. I guess after listening for all these years they become easier and easier to ignore.

Only about the gazillionth time. This question makes it 1 gazillion and 1 time. Where did you hear about it? From the media, of course.

And pauses come and go. There have been at least 5 since 1970.


There has been no real pause in AGW, only what was stated originally, that the surface temp has slowed almost to a pause. A fact you skeptics refuse to realize so you can continue propagandizing misinformation

AGW is based on both land and ocean temps and is still happening. This year is already shaping up to be in or near the top ten warmest years and 2012 was the tenth warmest. I don't know how you can post something like this with a straight face.

AND it's not a friggin' religion How ridiculous can you get?

Judging by a number of the Alarmist answers, it appears that Gore & Company's mis-information/brainwashing campaign has had some success.

Since there hasn't been any pause since end of 1996 I would say no. 1998 was supposedly the warmest year on record according to deniers so how could there be a pause since the end of 1996?

KANO.. your comment is strange considering I had not responded to this question.


global warming, politics and religion are not subjects that I normally discuss with friends and family, but when someone else has mentioned it and I mention the 17yr pause I am greeted with looks of disbelief, it seems it is not common knowledge.

There was never any pause in it - no idea where you heard it but the media always tries to cover everything up.

I suggest you open your eyes

No way

You really need to let it go , this was the greatest fraud ever , just let it go .

nope...........nt heard of it..........gonna goggle