> Have you heard about the Global Warming folks who signed the petition to lower the sun's temp?

Have you heard about the Global Warming folks who signed the petition to lower the sun's temp?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Yes a couple years ago they wanted to ban water

They were protesting the keystone pipeline and thought they were signing a petition to deal with global warming. (I only watched the first minute)

However, IF they were told the petition was about lowering the sun's temperature that would have been just as funny as the deniers claim "it is the sun" [1] or people wiling to ban dihydrogen monoxide [2]

A couple of years ago some people came by asking me to sign a petition to stop a nearby home being transformed into a restaurant and they had to chop down a few large trees to make room for parking. I had a good look at the petition and the accompanying papers and decided not to sign. I am glad I didn't as the parking area is not tar or concrete, but done in a way that fits the looks of the area (it even turned out to be the best restaurant in town by far) The town building department had done a good job working with the restaurant owner and the result was tasteful (pun intended)

P.S. I just noticed that the person "laughing" is one of those who claimed "it is the sun" ... the irony....

Cool headline Dave, pity that is not what is actual said in the video, the girl taking the petition twice states "to lower the temperature of the globe" this sounds a lot like a video deniers tried to use from actor Danny Glover where they claimed he said something he simply didn't.

I guess if this is the state of evidence deniers are going to try and use, denial is in a lot of trouble.

No, but the inestimable perceptiveness of this highly original video, displaying lagging edge techniques of the cerripickian specialty, might surely lure one to some of the other brilliant videos from the same top scientast, similarly featured on U-toob:

Harrison Ford's chest waxing revisted

Barney Frank is asked for advice on how to run a brothel

Was Jesus a socialist?

Sly Stallone & Shannon Sharpe confronted by their illegitimate children

it is a keystone pipeline protest no warmists

No sounds like another denialist lie

Ha! Ha! Don't you just love the intelligence or lack there of by the greenies. You put their combined brains in a jaybird and it would fly backwards. And to think, these people vote. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Is there any hope?

And - How is that more stupid than not knowing AGW is real?

No, have you?
