> What are the models showing climate chang impacts on crop production?

What are the models showing climate chang impacts on crop production?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Agricultural food production is increasing in leaps and bounds, in fact it is growing faster than the population growth, Okay as Climate Realist says it is partly through new technology, but also through longer growing days, and CO2 fertilization.

In fact satellite imaging shows that worldwide vegetation of all kinds are increasing, especially in dry semi arid areas.

Ignore "it depends on crop types" farmers are not stupid they regularly alter which crops they grow to suit the prevailing climate conditions, and warmer CO2 rich conditions will dramatically increase food production.

If you include the depletion of aquifers under most active crop regions, the projections are terminal for most agricultural regions, including the American farm belt. Long story short, the desert belts are pushing north, and unending drought will kill our crops. We have to start moving croplands away from the equator.

Crops have been increasing recently. But that is because of new technology, not because of global warming or carbon dioxide fertilization. If technology had remained constant, and lack of technological progress is a key premise of global warming denialism. They think that we will not be able to improve on SUVs or coal plants.

We've had longer growing seasons and thus more food.

Bumper crops WORLDWIDE has been the result of the slightly warmer weather along with the CO2 enriched atmosphere. (see best answer here for links to bumper crops worldwide) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...

The world is becoming more green.

Deserts ‘greening’ from rising CO2: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/07/08/de...

Four consecutive years of bumper crops worldwide (2000)


2007 U.S. Corn Crop Predicted Largest in History


Predicting a record wheat crop worldwide (2008)


Historical Increase In Corn Yield (2009)


Rice growers headed for strong yields in 2009


Argentina's Bumper Crop of Corn (2010)


Global rice production set to hit record in 2011-2012


Stupendous IPCC Prediction Failure: Global Warming Will Cause Crop Failure & Starvation --- BUT WHAT ARE THE FACTS --- charts clearly demonstrate the agricultural abundance that "global warming" has delivered. http://www.c3headlines.com/2011/10/anoth...

But of course Warmists are crestfallen over this fact because their narrative does not allow any good news in connection to their catastrophic man-made Global Warming scam.

I have many more links to reports of Bumper Crops Worldwide, if you want more just ask.


Frankly I would rather see what model Heidi Klum has to show. Both types of models may involve air heads but at least one is easier on the eyes.

It is expected to increase crop production in some areas of the world while decreasing it in others. There are various other factors at work too though other than just a warming atmosphere. It also depends on crop type.



The alarmists’ models generate one false prediction after another. When a model is falsified by experience, we know that the model is no good. A bad model cannot be a basis for predicting the future, or for making decisions about public policy. Global warming alarmism is not science. It is, rather, an industry fueled by billions of dollars that the world’s political class showers on climate “scientists” to compensate them for producing silly projections of doom. The political class needs the predictions of doom to justify its own grab for more power and money, and certain compliant “scientists” are happy to oblige. Money talks, but it doesn’t necessarily produce good science.

IPCC: “Risk of loss of rural livelihoods and income due to insufficient access to drinking and irrigation water and reduced agricultural productivity, particularly for farmers and pastoralists with minimal capital in semi-arid regions.”

NIPCC: “Higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations benefit plant growth-promoting microorganisms that help land plants overcome drought conditions, a potentially negative aspect of future climate change. Continued atmospheric CO2 enrichment should prove to be a huge benefit to plants by directly enhancing their growth rates and water use efficiencies.”

About the IPCC:

The IPCC was created in 1988 largely due to the efforts of Maurice Strong, a billionaire and self-confessed socialist, as part of a larger campaign to justify giving the United Nations the authority to tax businesses in developed countries and redistribute trillions of dollars a year to developing nations.

The IPCC is also designed to put political leaders and bureaucrats rather than scientists in control of the research project. It is a membership organization composed of governments, not scientists. The governments that created the IPCC fund it, staff it, select the scientists who get to participate, and revise and rewrite the reports after the scientists have concluded their work.

About the NIPCC:

The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) is what its name suggests: an international panel of nongovernment scientists and scholars who have come together to understand the causes and consequences of climate change. Because we are not predisposed to believe climate change is caused by human greenhouse gas emissions, we are able to look at evidence the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ignores. Because we do not work for any governments, we are not biased toward the assumption that greater government activity is necessary.

What has been predicted correctly yet? The IPCC is having a turkey shoot making all these predictions of which they made 117 predictions and 114 vastly wrong.

So now they got smart and make predictions that won't happen till everyone is dead.

besause of new technology crops increase recently. crops should be grown due to the fertilization of carbondixide nad global warming. due to new technology crops have been increased and sold it to the market.

This model speculates on the effect crops & other plants may have on climate.


The links below are not "models" but are some empirical observations that could be related to "climate change" & increased co2.







go to a university library and read


summary for usa at


it depends on crop types.

what are climate variablity?