> Is there any despicable action the 'saviors of the earth' haven't done in the Y!A Global Warming category to

Is there any despicable action the 'saviors of the earth' haven't done in the Y!A Global Warming category to

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I would think this question is a candidate for removal by one of the 'trusted' ones. But it needs to be asked.

They have zero integrity, if they had any integrity they wouldn't be promoting the man-made Global Warming SCAM in the first place. They also have zero science to back them up -- so dirty tricks, cheating and lying is really all they got.


Stifle opposition?

I had 3 answers 'reported and deleted' over the past couple of weeks by so-called 'Trusted Members' so I think it is fair to say that even if there is some sort of coordinated effort, it is done by both sides.

That being said, I maintain my claim that of all the people active in this YA category, you are the one who most violates the Community Guidelines. You insult, rant, do not back up your claims or provide sources, repeat 'ad infinitum', copy/paste your own or other people's questions, post in the wrong category and in general aren't at all interested in getting answers, let alone fully researches which do comply with the guidelines. You're using this platform to spread as much misinformation as you can and will only pick as Best Answer those by people who employ similar tactics to get their wholly unscientific biased opinions across.

If you are 'oh so upset' about getting questions/answers deleted, perhaps you should start playing by the rules for a change before criticizing thosesame rules you violate on a daily basis.

I haven't figured out who the trusted ones are but I can only guess. I suspect that it is mostly done by individuals who think they are furthering their political cause by stifling the opposition. Clearly both sides could do it but I have only noticed one side doing it but then again it would be difficult for me to know if skeptics are doing it as well. I noticed a while back that we had people that serially changed categories of questions they didn't like and there are other ways they can manipulate YA.

Well, you have to admit that the mid-term elections clearly show that the liberal agenda has been rejected and that liberal bias and Government manipulation have also been uncovered and exposed. The simplicity of this exposure could have only come through a transparent agenda from the Obama Administration. LMAO!

Y/A libs will continue to drown in their own sorrow while they continue to put their physical efforts towards trashing the Earth and "conservatism" with their tantrums instead of actually putting their efforts towards more constructive ecological and environmental venues. I doubt they will ever understand the idea of "leading by example".

Well yes I keep having my questions and answers reported, I don't blame Yahoo I blame the alarmists, who obviously have to resort to whatever tricks and tactics they can come up with, as they fail so badly when using evidence and facts.

Well, I don't consider myself to be a "savior of the Earth", if anything, I try more to be a savior of science.

Unlike Dr Jello and Maxx, I haven't lied and I don't block anyone from answering my questions or looking at my questions and answers. If I habitually lied like those two do, I suppose I would also want to block people that might point that out.

I also have a single account--I am quite certain that many people on the anti-science side have several.

EDIT: Dr Jello says "There's a coordinated effort to muzzle anyone who doesn't adhere to their dogma."

You have to be a hypocrite or a sociopath to make such a statement, Dr Jello, since you block me (and others) from answering your questions and two questions I asked about you have been deleted in recent weeks. If that's not "muzzling" I don't know what is.

Yeah man. I mean even though I have had to save various posts that you and your similar thinkers have had deleted it's all the 'warmers' that are doing the moving/deleting/whatever. I have not moved any of your threads neither have I reported any of them nor have I anyone elses. I continue to have mine removed though. quick question, how old are many of you in here where you guys have to taken on childish antics?

There's a coordinated effort to muzzle anyone who doesn't adhere to their dogma.

You and Maxx talking about others lacking integrity?

Thanks for the laugh.

I would think this question is a candidate for removal by one of the 'trusted' ones. But it needs to be asked.