> Confusing NOAA says 2014 is warmer?

Confusing NOAA says 2014 is warmer?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
NOAA base their predictions on climate models and none came true .

In the North Western part of America. Highest temperature outside was only 82 and this summer, this temperature is rare. Normally we've been getting 70 degree weather. Mike

You are mixing up global and national. The record high May and June is global, the low high temperatures are U.S. only.

1. The category is GLOBAL warming.

2. NOAA is talking about global.


You ARE mixing up global and national. The record high May and June is global, the low high temperatures are U.S. only.

Well gosh it depends if you understand that your first point is related to global data and your 28,504 records relate only to the U.S.

I guess the real point is are you being deliberately misleading or are that badly informed I lean towards the first as denier seem to make a habit of this for temperature as they do with Antarctic sea ice the call it "Antarctic ice" yet fail to mention glacial ice by mass far larger than sea ice and defiantly declining again the only real conclusion to draw is an attempt to be misleading.

The NOAA data you refer to for May and June (but offer no link to) is this


It certainly states it is global data and it does indeed have June as the 1st warmest June in the modern record, with the coolest in 1911 (over 100 years ago)

On the year to date data we are now sitting on the 3rd warmest Jan-Jun, so denier claims of cooling are starting to look even more ridicules.

NOAA also have info for just the U.S. and they show it as not as warm as this global average but still pretty warm


But as with most deniers you would rather go with things posted to wordpress, rather than real sources.

For all zippo's waffle about anomalies, it's hard not to notice he is ignoring the point that you are trying to compare a U.S. only data set to a global data set, but I long ago gave up expecting honest and intelligent answers from deniers.

I rather suspect that NOAA didn't say that this city, that town, that state, or that country is warming.

I suspect that they said that the world, on average, was warming.

Is that too hard to get your head around?

It's not surprising at all, as one departs a stable state towards another, there is increased variability.

It would seem several people have already pointed out to you that one record is for America and the other is for the world, not sure why it's so hard for you not grasp that.

Your daily data are for the US – and, in any case, you are ignoring the HIGH MIN values, not to mention that the data have nothing to do with May and June average temperatures.

Here are the global data.


Once again, you have demonstrated an absence of skepticism, critical thinking, and research.

They say May and June were record warm months, but then they also say that there were 28,504 record cold max days in the last 365days, even the last 30days had more record low max than high max. http://sunshinehours.wordpress.com/2014/07/24/noaa-28504-low-max-records-set-in-last-365-days/

So which is it? is it colder or warmer

They are "chasing" temperatures with anomalies. I really don't care what "climate science" says about "anomalies" and their acceptance of what "they" (anomalies) actually describe (as far as temperatures are concerned). They have no clue on how to measure temperatures accurately!!! It's a statistician's nightmare!

A "very simple" explanation is here : http://www.drroyspencer.com/2012/03/what...

" ... (As I keep emphasizing, a temperature change is caused by an imbalance between energy gain and energy loss. You can cause warming either by increasing the rate of energy gain, or by decreasing the rate of energy loss. This is how the “greenhouse effect” works, by reducing the rate of radiative energy loss by the surface). ... "

" ... Because rising air cools, there is little net temperature change in the ascending parcels of air…but all of that rising air also forces air outside of the cloud systems to sink, causing “subsidence warming”. That is where most of the actual temperature increase takes place. ... "

Tracking temperatures with a preconceived "actual figure" by measuring it from less than 20 feet above the ground, and accepting the "so-called fact" that "all temperatures above that should be constant" is just another scientific step in the wrong direction.


...and deniers wonder why nobody will debate them, when they try cheap tricks like this.