> A global poll shows that 7million people think climate change is the least important action.?

A global poll shows that 7million people think climate change is the least important action.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In 1972 the US surgeon general stated that cigarette smoking was a major health concern. A poll later that year found that less than 8% of voters thought cigarettes were not a health issue worthy of governmental action. Would it have been about time for the government to listen to people then? Phillip Morris thought so. The poll you quoted said 7 million people globally, any idea what percentage of the globe 7 million represents?

It's funny how the UN supporters of climate action (Global Warming Alarmists) always use cigarette smoking as reason for continued Government involvement. It's like people's "hacking" from a deteriorating lung condition wasn't proof enough as a deterrent. Government liberals and elitists just "had to" step in, because (in their minds) people are too stupid to figure it out. Liberals and Government elites also act on any opportunity for added income and increased control through any means necessary. That's just what they do. "ObummerCare" is based on a seeming inability of people to take care of themselves. In reality, it is about BIG CITY people's laziness and always looking for "hand-outs".

Maybe they should start taking their polls like they take temperatures? Poll 10 people in every 1000 square mile area. Call it an anomaly of opinion. Taking polls in BIG CITIES will always show a bias towards Government intervention, simply because people are more influenced, dependent, and educated by BIG Government people.

The idea of democracies is that people say what they want, and elected servants carry it out, they are our servants not our bosses, they should not control our lives against our wishes.

Should've the goverment listen to the people over smoking, yes I think so, inform them of the dangers and let them decide for themselves, rock climbing and sky diving are dangerous should governments ban them?

Hate to quibble over a technicality but in the interest of accuracy there are 1,412,802 U.N. employees & loyal statist puppets out of the 7,010,682 people who answered the survey who claim they think climate action is important.


Climate change action came last out of 16 different concerns, with health, education, jobs, crime and others at the top.

Do you think it is about time that governments and beaurocracies like the UN started listening.