> Is it un-american to believe humans are causing climate change?

Is it un-american to believe humans are causing climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It could be construed as that. The goal of the environmental movement is to strip the sovereignty of the US and other countries, then give that to a one world government.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

The whole movement is against the Constitution of the United States.

Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister: “No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Justice and equality are just code words for Communism. Now look at what these evil people have in store for everyone when they are successful.

Quote from the UN's Own "Agenda 21": "Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."

The US Constitution is predicated upon individual liberty. That everyone has the right to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'. The environmental movement is definitely against this for the common man and implies that only the elite will have this right.

Quote by Maurice Strong, a wealthy elitist and primary power behind UN throne, and large CO2 producer: "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable."

You can clearly see that Maurice is not going to give up his air conditioning and steak but he and his group expect us, the peons or 'affluent middle class', to.

Aussie points out that we in the US are a greedy people. Yet he looks the other way when Al Gore makes literally millions from the AGW lie. He doesn't see Maurice Strong and George Soros, the visible drivers of this scam, getting richer and more powerful from this lie. Now that is greed! For the average Joe who wants a better life style, to Aussie and his ilk, this is greed and to the elite, he sees this as 'they are just saving the world'.

How stupid can you get!

And you denialists call "warmers" alarmists.

If you value freedom, accept reality. Then you can be prepared.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


And America became great when it loved science.

It's also, apparently, not Un-American to be deluded enough to think that all of the national science academies around the world are lying about global warming, and part of a world wide conspiracy to have the UN take over ruling America.

" Elvis - the Fox News Comedy Channel."

Oh. I thought it was the faux-lies, purveyor of ignorance channel.

let's see:

Those who believe in global warming also support creating domestic energy industry, instead of relying on FOREIGN companies like British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell and Citgo (owned by the SOCIALIST government of Venezuela).

We support creating jobs in energy industires here at home

We support cleaner cars, less costly homes and a healthier environment for kids.

Just for starters. It's the deniers who are UN-American. They support things like Exxon investing in RUSSIA and giving taxpayer money (subsidies) to foreign-owned oil companies. They aren't just nu-American -- they are traitors.

To all those believing that humans are causing global warming... I'm having a great sale - the bridge from Canada to US via the Great Lakes is up for bids... starting bid $10.00 DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS GREAT BARGIN !!!

The notion that science is a matter of belief is certainly quite stupid, and the founding fathers, God bless them, included safeguards in the Constitution to protect America against that sort of mass stupidity. In that quite significant sense, yes, it is un-American to mindlessly propogate the anti-science lie that the science of climate depends in any way on what anyone believes or does not believe.

I am sooo glad I am not American, I sit back and read what is happening to your country with amazement, what happened to your constitution, your pursuit of freedoms.

Are you going to let, unvoted huge beaurocracy's like the EPA take away your rights, unbelievable.

Are you going to restrict your use of energy to build prosperity, when the rest of the world (China and India especially) is grabbing all they can.

Good luck USA your going to need it.

ANd what'so great about America. A bunch of self important arrogant blowhards, with no redeeming features, whatsoever

We live in a society which tells you "Greed is good". We cut the forests, dig the mineral resources, pollute the water and burn coal because it is the cheapest source of energy. We live for today. Make as much money as you can so that you can buy every gadget on the market and have a holiday overseas every year. So yes... as long as America tells you that greed is good... it is anti_American to even think of Global Warming. Why should we care? Anyone over 50 today is not likely to be terribly affected by it. We'll be dead by then. Unfortunately... for the most part... it is the over 50 which tell you you don't have to worry about it. And they are the ones in power making those decisions. So what if you are 20?

The US military and national intelligence agencies consider global climate change to be a national security threat. By taking political and social action to limit scientific research and block government action, AGW Deniers are traitors no different than if the were helping Al Qaeda.

GLOBAL warming, how can anything be more anti-American? Do you agree that believing that we should give up our liberties and freedoms for global socialism under a carbon treaty is tantamount to treason?

It's also un-American to be subject to gravity, or Newton's Laws.

If man made climate change happens then all life on earth will END. All Government funds are canceled for any climate change on earth. Mike

earth is like music once you choose and feel to listen what the bible talks about nd you n- @ that believe you would say somthing like you did the source is to belive it would get better over time i like presents the war is just cold scence of life i"m the bible wish you all luck life is a strongle money just helps to get steedy silly i do like to read globle warming is unique even when you die so i think ?AND YOU?

Depends on how deep of a thinker and how inquisitive you are.

Is it Anthropogenic Climate Change? ... or "natural climate variability climate change"?

How much has the climate "actually" changed from its normal variation?

Are humans a natural part of the climate?

Which side of the science do you "adhere" to?

Do most people understand how independent our climate is without human existance?

Do most people understand what "natural climate variability" is? Has climate science "masked" the idea of what "natural climate variability" really is in favor of an environmental stance against fossil fuels?

Does anyone understand how forceful CO2 is as a greenhouse gas and explain it logarithmically or mathematically? (There are many engineers who can explain how limited CO2 is as a forcing gas in the greenhouse equation and most environmental climate scientists (climate clowns in my opinion) relate the CO2 forcing aspect as being totally logarithmic).

I don't think it's un-American, but I do question its validity in science when they have stated clearly that our climate is far from being understood. Most people don't understand that the total volume of all people takes up less than 1/3rd of 1 cubic mile (28%) on this planet nor do they understand that if we were all standing, we would take up the space equivalent to about 40% of the land in Rhode Island alone.

Climate Change is a political strategy in my opinion simply because there is more than enough adequate information to disprove the catastrophic aspect of the AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) theory. It started as a political objective in Great Britain to "prove" CO2 was causing "Global Warming". Margaret Thatcher started this endeavor simply because she was looking to secure an energy policy with nuclear energy. She gave science (The Royal Society) money to prove it. As long as there is a continuing effort to prove it, then it will never stop. Governments will hold there power over the populace in any way they can.

No, it's just ignorant.

Yes it is because the people who call it un-american do not actually realize that there is no such country and/or continent called America. Figure that out.

I agree, it is not very "American". It's strange.

global warming has been happening for billions of years and nothing gonna change that, does not matter how many of these imbeciles who think they can stop global warming protest and try and change it. bloody Hippies.

these hippies need to get a job

It is foolish to believe that we are causing "climate change". Not sure if it is in-American.

Remember, they don't call it "global warming" since the ice caps are now growing.

Yes if you believe in the Fox News Comedy Channel ...

If you don't like the fact we cause global warming, then why don't you just leave?

It should not be american to be stupid unless you want to win the racr tp the bottom

No, it's just ignorant.

type in haarp in your browser and read up

no, but at what level??