> Why would Cryosat only map Arctic ice volume?

Why would Cryosat only map Arctic ice volume?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's because sea ice in antarctica is different from sea ice in the arctic, and they haven't been able to calibrate cryosat for antarctica yet.


It's a detailed thing, involving science and stuff. Probably just best for you to assume this is some conspiracy, or that scientists are lying to you. You're going there anyway, it will save you some time reading and trying to learn anything.


And you know, I really like questions like this, that demonstrate there was a great answer you could have found for yourself with only a few minutes effort and a decent search engine, but you blindly post whatever swill the home office sends your way. To me anyway, you look like an uneducated and incurious drone. Don't you ever get tired of being made to look stupid and lazy, with supporters who appear to be clinically insane? I know I would. ymmv

I'm sorry I made you feel bad about yourself. Give yourself a little gold star for effort.

They know the Arctic has been decreasing in extent and volume, but they probably guess like me that the Antarctic is increasing in extent and volume, and although that is very difficult to measure with all that land mass underneath, they probably prefer to ignore it.

It doesn't

"CryoSat, ESA’s ice mission, is dedicated to precise monitoring of the changes in the thickness of marine ice floating in the polar oceans and variations in the thickness of the vast ice sheets that overlie Greenland and Antarctica."


TY Mike

It may be for the same reason that Obama can't seem to figure out how many people signed up for Obamacare. They know, it is just better to pretend to be ignorant than give out data that jeopardizes their agenda.

I was just reading about the Antarctic sea ice when this caught my eye:

"Researchers don’t know how think the layer of ice is or how much volume it holds. At least for now, scientists can only reliably measure its surface area." http://grist.org/news/why-is-antarctic-sea-ice-expanding/

There has been much talk about extent versus volume regarding the Arctic sea ice. So I was wondering how that could occur if volume could be measured. I checked in with Cryosat and read this:

"Along with observations of ice extent, CryoSat’s measurements of thickness now span from October 2010 to April 2013, allowing scientists to work out the real loss of ice, monitor seasonal change and identify trends." http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Observing_the_Earth/Living_Planet_Symposium_2013/New_dimensions_on_ice

But if you read that article, they are talking about the Arctic. Their only mention of the Antarctic was some observations under the land ice.

Can anybody shed some light on this? Why would Cryosat only map Arctic ice volume?