> Are climate models the ultimate example of "Garbage in, garbage out" there is?

Are climate models the ultimate example of "Garbage in, garbage out" there is?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I think the main problem with the climate models is that they all assume CO2 drives warming and it DOES NOT. If they ever took that garbage out, then their models might get a little better.


So a pretty chart can make you a pro in this field . But to stand up to this pretty chart and ask why ? and now you are so dumb for thinking this does not seem right . This has little with being what it seems . We have been putting a lot of people in power to do what ? You now good and bad , but this green is more than just bad , look and you will see real Evil . The hate they have is Evil . The why they fight and all , this is Evil . so you are in more than one would think at first . They will not fight when God is with you .

Your first link uses cherrypicked datasets. How does GISSTemp compare with climate models? Anthony What does not want us to know.

By the way, the fact that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas is an input, not an output, for climate models.

Do you even know what "Garbage in, garbage out" means?

That's a rhetorical question, because this question proves that you don't.

EDIT: Yes, I agree with your linked definition. Again, though, you don't seem to know what it means, or you wouldn't have asked this question. Have you ever written a computer program?

Actually, it's amusing that you even looked up a link and still don't realize that it's not what your question is about.

Another EDIT: I already answered, I agree with your link completely about what GIGO means, I just don't think that you believe the models are wrong because of the input data. If you do, you're dumber than you appear to be.

Yes, with a dash of 'know nothing' in between. How are you going to program the earth's atmosphere if you don't know how it works in the first place? Those idiots looking for the missing heat just proves it.

I agree with Maxx on this one I am pretty sure their models would be much more informative and useful, if they weren't stuck on this high climate sensitivity to CO2.

I also pretty sure some have tried it, but wont publish the results.

It might seem that way to ignorant people with no knowledge of math, no understanding of science, and no interest in learning anything.

By the way:

Why are Deniers afraid to provide legitimate references?

Why are they so easily hypnotized by simple color drawings?

Have Deniers ever heard of Graph Legends?

no. the ultimate is the poor education you got. like you said, garbage in, garbage out.
