> CO2 increased 43% compared to before from 280 to 400 so why no increase in temperature?

CO2 increased 43% compared to before from 280 to 400 so why no increase in temperature?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There has been an increase over that period of time of about 0.8 degrees. I am not sure why you are saying there has not been. There is no reason to believe that the increase is exponential or will in any way look like the overestimating models for future exponential-looking growth.

We have had some warming and will see some more warming in the future. It is of concern and we shoudl look to reducing our CO2 emissions. What we should NOT do is either panic and propose idiotic non-solutions like the ethanol mandate and increased taxation. What we should also NOT do is pretend nothing is occurring at all.

For some reason people want to take one stance or the other, as if everything is simply black and white.


Too funny, I am called a denier by one side and now a communist by the other.

As I said, black and white. So many people on both sides wants everything to be black and white. When the truth does not conform to their limited view insults must be employed.

In fact, lets talk about how this is really not black or white... Heck it is not even shades of gray, it is full spectrum color. Not only is there warming going on, but the warming is actually beneficial to some regions and detrimental to others. CO2 added helps some forms of life while hindering others.

Our whole ecosystem is a complexly chaotic system. Its not black, its not white, its not even shades of gray. It si the whole spectrum of colors.

But don't believe this communistic denier, look around yourself.

Because CO2 does not drive temperature like Al Gore wants you to believe. CO2 has never been the driver of temperature in the past and it is not now. CO2 is a trace gas and it's influence is utterly overwhelmed by other climate influences, like solar activity for example. But also by water vapor which is by far the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

1. There has been an increase in temperature. This has been demonstrated by land, sea, air, and space based measurement systems, by instrumental records stretching back to the 1800s, by determinations of global climate based on tree growth patterns, by the thinning sea ice of the arctic, the advancement of tree lines farther north, changes in migration patterns of birds and other animals, changes in flowering dates of plants, increased glacial melt, and rising sea levels.

2. The idea that trapping heat necessarily implies a rise in temperature is also flawed. Although much of the energy does cause a temperature rise, this is not the only consequence of trapping heat. It is possible to trap heat without raising temperature. These are known as isothermal processes.

CO2 has risen ~40% over the last 100+ years much of that rise actually happened in just the last 50 years, the same is also true of the rise in temp 0.8c with the larger portion happening from the 1970's onward.

That is a rise of 0.8c caused by roughly 120ppm of a CO2, but at the now current rate of rise we are set to see a rise of of 250-300ppm over the next 100 years. With the rate of temp rise several times faster at the poles.

Both main ice sheets (Antarctica & Greenland) are shrinking, the Arctic sea ice is also shrinking, the Antarctic sea ice is slowly expanding, due in part to the cool fresh water runoff from the Antarctic glaciers melting.

As we continue to warm we will see more Arctic tundra melted which in turn releases methane.

More exposed sea will warm further and increase the warming effect


Last year denier said it was cooling, we had the 4th warmest year recorded

This year deniers tried more of the same, now we look set to have the warmest year on record.


Noah, sadly I don't think they want to understand this point (heat energy) as if they tried to, their house of cards theories would fall down around their ears.

When you turn on a oven to bake cookies etc, you might push 350 for the temperature, but it takes time to warm up, even though the heat is on at full blast.

There has been an increase in temperature on earth, but like an oven, it takes time once you have imputed a temperature to see the real results.

Your question is flawed in two ways.

1. There has been an increase in temperature. This has been demonstrated by land, sea, air, and space based measurement systems, by instrumental records stretching back to the 1800s, by determinations of global climate based on tree growth patterns, by the thinning sea ice of the arctic, the advancement of tree lines farther north, changes in migration patterns of birds and other animals, changes in flowering dates of plants, increased glacial melt, and rising sea levels.

2. The idea that trapping heat necessarily implies a rise in temperature is also flawed. Although much of the energy does cause a temperature rise, this is not the only consequence of trapping heat. It is possible to trap heat without raising temperature. These are known as isothermal processes.

Your question is about the refers to about 1880 to current: the past 135 years. (CO2 was at 280 ppm in about 1880). Over that time, global temperatures of the surface troposphere have indeed increased. Over the entire period, the increase was at a linear trend rate of about 0.7 degrees per century. Over the past 30 years the rate has accelerated to 1.5 degrees per century.

Keep in mind that 90% of the increased heat in the environment goes into the oceans. The warming of the oceans is evidenced by rising sea level.

43% is irrelevant. The total share of the atmosphere by "carbon" has increased 0.004% since the Industrial Revolution began 350 years ago. 3 atoms make up CO2 - 2 oxygen and 1 carbon. 280ppm means that there are 187 oxygen molecules attached to 93 carbon molecules. Currently there are 266 molecules of oxygen attached to 133 carbon molecules per 1,000,000 molecules of air.

The increase from 93 carbon atoms per 1,000,000 (0.0093%) to 113 carbon atoms per 1,000,000 (0.0133%) is a mere 0.004% increase of carbon's share of the entire atmosphere.

Climate clowns will always have you believe that the increase in atmospheric CO2 is over 40%, but they will always fail to tell people that the additional oxygen added by carbon emissions was already there to start with. Carbon is the only part of CO2 that is important and its current share of the entire atmosphere is 0.0133% and has only added to its share of the entire atmosphere by 0.004%.

There are literally thousands of other variables that contribute to temperature increases and decreases. CO2 is only a "bit" player. A very small "bit".

For the 10,000 time... heat energy doesn't stay in the atmosphere forever. Heat energy rapidly moves from hot to cold. This is 6th grade science. Heat energy from retained solar insolation has heated ocean water and melted a lot of ice. It continues to do so. It's not the amount of increased heat retained, it's the EFFECT of that extra heat energy that counts and that effect has been documented a thousand times over. Climate change is real, it's here, its continuing and requires our immediate attention. No Al Gore needed!

If the content of CO2 increased then it leads to global warming and increase in temperature so the question is wrong.

CO2 is not the only factor involved and the models are not that accurate because we don't understand the global climate very well. Simple!!! Increase that was predicted did not occur for those who argue about "no increase".

The worlds climate is an extremely complicated matter, it involves the atmosphere, hydrology (all our water and the water cycle) geology the movments of land and the compostion of minerals, biology the effects of plants and animals, and atrophysics the role of the sun and cosmic rays.

So it is no wonder a minor greenhouse gas like CO2 is not having much effect.

Simple logic= All non solids that rise into the upper atmosphere are separated into nothingness by nature to protect our planet, so the suns rays can warm earth while our planet rotates to grow plants for food & and oxygen so all species can survive. This has been going on for millions of years. Mike

The temperature has increased over that time period. Even Maxx knows that, which is why he doesn't show a plot that covers that time period.

Oops, maybe you meant to ask another question.

There HAS been an increase in temperature, during the time when CO2 has gone up from 280 ppm to 400 ppm, so the whole premise of the question is false.

See the graphs here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_war...



There has been an increase in temperature

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! And they call us DENIERS! Look at Peggy. She claims to be a PHD. a legend in her own mind. "Oops, maybe you meant to ask another question." Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Translated that says, "You start asking reasonable questions like that and Jeff M and I will get you kicked off this site. We don't like people like you who show off their intelligence. You keep that up and you will be demeaned, called names, questions vaporized, recategorized. and socially outcast, just like we did to a guy named Billy. We along with another bunch of trusted Y!A a people show our power on this site. You may prove us wrong, but we are always right. We had one jerk on this site where we ganged up and got 23 of his questions and answers vaporized in one day. Ha! Ha! The creep didn't know what hit him. We have Y!A on our side so you better watch it. DO NOT ASK ANY MORE QUESTIONS THAT WE CAN'T ANSWER!"

Then you have people like Russian Cane. 0.8 degrees rise in that time. My goodness what a sorted denier he is.


0.87 degrees in 353 years. And RC wants you to believe that the temperature has risen that much in 20 or 30 years. Obviously prevarication is his strong point, rather than science and data.

Your question is valid and because the greenies have no answer for it they call you insane in their own many ways. (This really is against community guidelines, but Y!A goes along with them.)

The increased heat is hiding in Gore's shorts.

Too many Spotted Owls are passing gas

Man made global warming is junk science.

yer thermastat is on automattic

No increase in temperature?







soylent green is people .

simple logic :=: FARTS !! i leave the rest to you