> Why do global warming deniers think it's ok to burn fossil fuels?

Why do global warming deniers think it's ok to burn fossil fuels?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's funny how when it comes to government and such everyone despises big oil for keeping politicians in their pocket. But then they defend fossil fuels when it comes to carbon release. Jim Z's argument makes no sense and is full of false assumptions. Iron ore is just being relocated. It's not being tossed into the air. Although we are running out of it. Fossil fuels are not a continuous energy source. They'll run out eventually. I'm not saying go without. But we can and are moving to alternative fuel sources which is cool. Kudos to Dr. Jello. Only person who made a decent response. Didn't answer my question but nuclear is definitely a great option. If only more was invested in building nuclear reactors, (especially thorium). Sagebrush made a funny comment. Get 8 billion people to pee in the ocean every day. It might not raise the sea levels but I guarantee something is gonna happen. Nobody has mentioned ocean acidification, not from pee of course, but from carbon sinking into the ocean. What are your guys opinions on ocean acidification and a move towards emission free energy sources?

With all of the fossil fuels we have ever burned, the atmosphere has changed by a mere 0.01%, which simply means that CO2 is a non-factor in the big scheme of things.

When people start figuring out that CO2 is "not" driving temperatures upwards and that political objectives are the main driver against fossil fuels, then maybe people will soon open their eyes to what is really going on with the climate : http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/573371/20...

288.87K (approximate global average temperature today) - (minus) 0.87K (Global Warming in the past 350 years of human industrialization, if we actually attribute all of that warming to humans) = 288K (proposed "normal" temperature of the planet or 'temperature totally attributed to natural climate variability')

A 0.3% rise in temperature in over 350 years of human industrialization is well within "natural climate variability" and fossil fuels are not "driving" temperatures anywhere.

Not a global warming denier. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


But we would not have been able to develop new energy sources without metallurgy. We would not have rare Earth magnets for wind turbines, vacuum chambers to make solar cells or nuclear reactors if not for the role of hydrocarbons, and in fact the role of coal, in the origin of the metal age. But today, even metal extraction can be done with clean energy.


Love to. What do the emails say about

1. CO2 is a greenhouse gas? http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/emissio...

2. The laws of thermodynamics? http://physics.about.com/od/thermodynami...

3. Atmospheric CO2 levels are increasing? http://co2now.org/


4. This CO2 is due to the combustion of fossil fuels? http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/200...

5. The Earth's temperature is increasing? http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs...

6. Natural factors which influence climate would be cooling the Earth if not for anthropogenic CO2? http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/gistemp...

Nature wasn't benevolently storing the evil fossil fuels away. Fossil fuels formed as all resources do. Why do you think it is OK to extract iron ore? What I thinking? You are probably against that too.

Humans couldn't survive in the numbers that we do without our technology that is dependent on a cheap and continuous energy source.

You almost certainly live in the city, or grew up there, had food available at all times, had a computer, had transportation, shelter etc.

All of those things are dependent on energy. If you had to do without, I think you would change your tune. Why are you so quick to believe those who suggest the worst? Why do you bother believing Chicken Little? How many times are you going to fall for the Wolf that never shows?

If we banned fossil fuels, it wouldn't stop China. Obama made sure that China isn't even going to consider reducing until 2030 and that was when they were projected to start leveling off anyway. Why do some people feel they have to unilaterally shoot themselves in the foot while accomplishing nothing except a hole your foot.

You really need to delve into the Climategate email scandal and attempted coverup.

Remember "Hide the Decline"??

Remember the fraud committed by Al Gore with his 'stranded Polar Bear' photo??

Remember the 'Hockeystick' which was discredited???

The CAGW cause is fueled by corrupt data and 'experts'. There are a number of so-called 'climate scientists' who should be indicted.

Nature will again reabsorb the CO2 that is put out. It's the net balance that is causing an increase, but what is put into the air doesn't stay there.

Because we need it for our survival. The biggest threat to humanity is not global warming it is POVERTY. Solar and wind power are fine but they are a rich white man's toy. Africa and India? They are still at the level of day to day survival. They need fossil fuels because fossil fuels are relatively cheap, accessible, and have a critical advantage over solar and wind and that is muscle. Horse power. These nations need to develop and to do that they need cheap energy and lots of it. These people cannot be concerned about lofty ideals like we can because these people are dying. They desperately need to raise their standard of living and that means fossil fuels.

I rather burn nuclear fuel as an abundant power source that produces electricity 24/7/365. However the believers can't accept the science behind nuclear energy.

That amount of CO2 still amounts to nothing in comparison to the enormity of the planet and its atmosphere. Get a thousand of your friends. Then go down and urinate in the ocean. See how much the sea level rises. Try that with 10,000 and the same will be true. You have to look at the overall picture.

All of those things are dependent on energy. If you had to do without, I think you would change your tune. Why are you so quick to believe those who suggest the worst? Why do you bother believing Chicken Little? How many times are you going to fall for the Wolf that never shows?

Set aside everything about warming and cooling and all that. Man kind is putting nearly 30 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. That carbon took nature millions of years to store underground. Why do so many people think it's ok to put it back into the air in such a short period of time?

It took billions of years of evolution to create intelligent life, why do liberals think it's ok to remain ignorant.

Because true (not the fudged stuff tree huggers push) data reveals that any climate change in either direction is not antrhopogenic in nature.

Because nature did not put it there to store its to use .