> Record rain in California is this because of global warming?

Record rain in California is this because of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I thought global warming was causing drought.

You see it works like this.

If it is cold, that is on account of global warming.

If it is warm that is on account of global warming.

If it is raining, that is because of global warming.

If it is dry, that is because of global warming.

If there are less hurricanes, that is because of global warming.

If there are more hurricanes, that is because of global warming.

If you have acne, that is because of global warming.

Now go use the recommended approach and beat your head against the wall of enlightenment (any hard surface will do) until you see the logic of this.

Further, please note that you just have to repeat what pegminer and his comrades say. Its not the right type of rain. And the droughts that have occurred in Cali forever, well these are different types of droughts. You see they are longer. Not as long as the droughts of the past that have lasted 200 years, mind you.

You see these droughts are worse. They are evil Koch Brothers' caused drought.

You see, in the past things were caused by nature, NOW they are caused by man.

Let me explain with a quote from CR,,

"Sometimes the water vapor condenses, causing rain. Other times it doesn't condense."

You see in the past this was true. But now that man is controlling weather using that devil gas CO2, this is true.

IMO, there is zero evidence that our CO2 has caused the drought or the rain. Only an imbecile would think it was IMO.

I can't believe a self proclaimed scientist would believe that models actually credibly say our CO2 emissions will cause both drought and floods. It is gibberish of course. That is one thing about models, both climate models and swim suit models, they can say whatever they want and anybody that takes what they say with more than a grain of salt is really really gullible. Our self proclaimed climate scientist was warning about our CO2 emissions causing drought last year. I figured it wouldn't be long before he started blaming the rain on it as well. I guess we can see that science isn't his primary goal. His primary goal appears to blame CO2 on everything that might be conceivably argued as a negative.

Having lived through it the last couple weeks, we are in fact experiencing spread out rain. Alarmists couldn't enjoy a nice warm day and they couldn't enjoy a nice rainy day in a drought (or former drought).

Global warming does not in fact cause droughts. That would be in extreme conditions where the Earths temperature had already been raised drastically.

Actually, what the climate models have been saying for years for California is (1) longer, more intense droughts broken up by (2) more intense rainy years. In other words, the worst of both worlds.

That is what I have been hearing for the past 10 years. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

EDIT: I'm not sure why Jim Z would have such a hard time understanding model output. Climate models are intimately connected with numerical weather prediction models. Clearly sometimes it rains and sometimes it doesn't; is a concept like that really so hard to understand?

If Jim Z knew anything about California's climate, he would know that the amount of precipitation is highly variable, with some years being wet and others being very dry. What's so hard about understanding that the dry periods can last longer and bring worse droughts and the wet years can be even wetter, producing worse floods?

One might note that the rain in Calif is thus far not spread out.

It's come in surges.

That doesn't give it time to soak into the ground as much.

And it doesn't indicate that the general pattern isn't drier.

If we get a "normal" amount of rain, in a few large doses, a few things happen.

1. Dams will have to be open to let water out so that a surge doesn't over flow them.

2. Water will enter the water reserves too quickly to be well managed.

3. The water table doesn't get recharged as much because the water runs off.

Nobody's unhappy to see the rain.

But lighter rain, spread over a longer time, would be far more useful.

More important, it's warm rain.

Which means there's less snow accumulation.

And it's the snow that's really important.

Here's a chart that shows snow accumulation to date, and prior years for comparison.


Note that even with all the rain, the snow pack is pretty close to the minimum years, as opposed to a normal year, and not even close to a "wet" year.

Global warming causes more water vapor to be in the air. Sometimes the water vapor condenses, causing rain. Other times it doesn't condense.

Are you referring to the recent flash storms that happened over a few days in California compared to the drought that went from 2008-2011 and was even worse during 2012.

As the last few paragraphs of the link below states this rain will help, but over all will not (unless it continues for some time) make much of dent in the years of drought California has suffered through.


Flash floods like this are certainly known in Australia's dryer regions as well the ground becomes so dry that the water does not soak in as easily, which usually adds to the flood effect and landslides, as long dry ground states to absorb the water, as I believe was seen in a number of locations in the California event.

No, silly. Global warming causes more doughts and more rain.

Right. California has a lot more global warming than, say, Iowa. Global warming can cause just about anything except if your hovercraft fills up with eels. It doesn't do that.

Sure - As the air gets warmer it carries more water so without any doubt, global warming causes more rain. Global warming also causes more droughts and could cause crops to fail. Global warming also causes normal rain fall. No matter what happens, global warming is the reason,.

I thought global warming was causing drought.

Global Warming shouldn't cause "more" rain, though there could be circumstances that would cause such a thing in colder climates.

I'd say almost definitely not.

Rains happens like everything else.

You can't beat Mother Mature... everytime a human thinks they are smarter Mother Nature, Mother Nature B!tch slaps us humans in the face

Well you can't blame rain or droughts on warming because we haven't had any for 18yrs.