> Do those of you who pay taxes realize the cost of 'Green Jobs' (so far) in the U.S.?

Do those of you who pay taxes realize the cost of 'Green Jobs' (so far) in the U.S.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No. We haven't payed enough. Just ask Al Gore, Barrack Obama, Warren Buffet, George Soros, Maurice strong and a host of other leaches.

Gringo: Argue on an intellectual basis. Not on character assassination. Is that all you got? Ha! Ha! You are bankrupt.

There is a problem with a "cost per job" analysis like you're trying to do. When a program like this is started, the "cost per job" will be infinite (any nonzero number divided by zero is infinity). In the long run, if the program is successful, the cost per job may very well be in the thousands instead of the millions.

However, this is an interesting way do analyze things. Let's look at such an analysis for the Iraq War. The war has cost the US something like $1 trillion, and the whole point of the war was to kill Saddam Hussein. Then we can calculate the cost per Saddam Hussein killed like this:

$1 trillion divided by 1 Saddam Hussein killed = $1 trillion dollars per Saddam Hussein killed

Ostensibly, of course, the war was to started fo find weapons of mass destruction. If we analyze it that way, things only get worse. Then we're left in the same situation I described before, except we're dividing $1 trillion by nothing, since no weapons of mass destruction were found. And, unlike the green jobs, the war is over and no weapons of mass destruction will EVER be found as a result of it, so it will always remain infinite.

EDIT: It doesn't really surprise me that your 15 year old nephew is smarter than you are, good for him.

<<"The cost of each taxpayer-financed green energy job created since 2009:

$26.32 billion divided by 2,298 jobs = $11.45 million per job…">>

...claims the Institute of Energy Research run by former ENRON Director of Public Policy Analysis Robert L. Bradley Jr. Needless to say (for REAL skeptics that is) who funds them. They've also conveniently left out the bulk of jobs from the original list. Thus, not surprisingly, the original source claims the total jobs created is 60,000.

For a self-labelled 'skeptic', you sure are fooled easily.

Edit Sagebrush:


I am. The problem is, you are so incredibly naive, you do not realize that the Institute for Energy Research is a propaganda outfit funded by Big Oil and Koch and therefor says whatever their donors want them to say.

I gave you the link to the original data which clearly states a MUCH higher number of jobs. So yes, ha ha, you've been fooled once more by a corporate funded propaganda outfit and in your naivety you are totally unaware that they've taken you for a sucker. Poor child.

What the website you linked to doesn’t make any mention of is the 18,575+ jobs in construction that will be generated. The site says it got it’s info from the DOE website and when you go there it states right next to the number of permanent jobs, the number of construction jobs as well.


At the top of the DOE page it states that TOTAL loans amount to $34.4 billion and the number of jobs is ~60,000. Still expensive but only one twentieth the cost per job as claimed on the Koch and Exxon funded website you linked to.

Don’t forget, these are loans, the money has to be repaid. If all the money is repaid then it means that 20 to 60 thousand jobs have been created at no cost to the taxpayer.

The DOE website also explains a little about each project and why they approved funding, you’ll see that many of the investments are in areas designed to ensure the US has fuel security in the future. The alternative is to be more reliant on expensive power from other countries.

Also missing from the IER website is any mention of the other benefits. Take for example the first project listed – AREVA, not only will this modernise the US’s obsolete nuclear programme but is expected to generate billions of dollars worth of additional investment.

So this one project creates 1,310 jobs, helps future fuel security at lower prices, generates billions in investments, helps bring the US nuclear programme out of the 1980’s and when the loan is repaid this will have been achieved at no cost to the tax-payer.



Haven't we taxpayers already paid enough for this CAGW 'thing'??!! Your thoughts?

"The cost of each taxpayer-financed green energy job created since 2009:

$26.32 billion divided by 2,298 jobs = $11.45 million per job…"


Data Source: Department of Energy Loans Program Office