> Do we need to kill all of the animals to stop man-made Global Warming?

Do we need to kill all of the animals to stop man-made Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The short answer; No.

The long answer; It seems that the writers of the article should have explained that the Arctic ground squirrel is unable to effectively dig through the permafrost [1] and that their burrowing is a result of the permafrost retreating (thus a positive feedback)

You would expect PETA to say that, but a graph of rising CO2 matches a graph of total coal, oil, and natural gas consumption pretty well, which points to that as the cause.

No. If PETA, Worldwatch Institute and the U.N. make such a claim, you KNOW it is a mistake to claim that animal agriculture has any impact on alleged CAGW.

Do those goobers realize that vast herds roamed many parts of the world before Man came into being? PETA is jumping on this bandwagon because they are celery-eaters (vegans), and the Worldwatch Institute and U.N. need to keep the movement going in order to keep the funding ($$) rolling in.

Of course narrow-minded environmentalists will never include humans as a natural part of the Earth (even though most of them believe in "natural evolution").

Humans simply have "dominion" over the Planet. They don't control it (even though GLOBAL ELITES (Governmental and environmental) sure make a big effort at it).

If it were to come down to humans vs animals, "Humans first!"

But I do find it interesting that denialists ignore the temperature record, or call it a lie, and yet latch on relatively obscure papers, many of which are about a hypothetical effect of global warming, rather than being tests for global warming.

why is it not we are actually accomplishing anything other than bickering?

Let's open this up to everyone.

PETA claims that “a staggering 51 percent or more of global greenhouse-gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture,” citing a report by the Worldwatch Institute, and the UN has said that raising animals for food is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global.”
