> Questions about Climate Change: YOUR OPINION NEEDED?

Questions about Climate Change: YOUR OPINION NEEDED?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
1. None are necessary as climate change is a natural phenomenon. Resources should not be wasted to change peoples lifestyles for this reason.

2. This is not true. Average global temperatures have stayed constant since 1997. The hole in the ozone layer has disappeared

3. There will always be random variations in climate. However, we can expect a gentle increase in global temperatures in our lifetimes (perhaps 0.5C) as we are coming out of an ice age and temperature increase is exponential.

1. What changes in everyday life do you think are necessary to prevent further anthropogenic climate change? What measures do you think would encourage people to make these changes?

- Live smaller, closer to your place of work and school, without. Live in a smaller house on a smaller patch of land.

- turn your back on fossil fueled motor sports

- Demand that you yourself (and me too) be paid for all of the CO2 that is currently being dumped into the atmosphere through combustion of fossil fuels. Once this externalized cost of fossil fuel use is internalized, renewables will become competitive

- Demand that all subsities for the fossil fuel be ended. Subsidize renewable energy to speed transition to it.

2. It has been speculated that there have been a higher number of extreme weather events in the past decade than previously. Do you think these events correlate with climate change?

- there has been a substantial change in weather patterns characterized by the jet stream having much larger north/south loops and these loops moving east/west much more slowly. There is clear evidence for intensified precipitation events brought on by increased humidity levels. I cannot say that I agree that this correlates with more extreme weather events but it does result in much more "lumpy" weather events.

3. What time scales do global climate changes operate on? Can we expect a range of climate changes during out lifetime?

- The rate of change is now fast enough that people are noticing it. The weather we have in 10 years will be quite different than we have today. And 10 years after that, different again. By 2020, we will have at least one summer where Arctic ice cover will drop below 1 million square kilometers. This will continue to enforce the new slow jet stream loop pattern. Expect extreme droughts and high temperatures with the next el Nino event, probably before 2020.

1 - None, man cannot influence the climate

2 - False - when is weather just weather and when is it extreme weather. This is highly subjective and not defined. Hurricanes and the like are actually at a 30 year low. These events in no way correlate with climate change because the climate needs to actually change before it can be proposed to have affected anything else.

3 - Man made climate change = never. General climate change = impossible to predict due to, too many unknown, not understood chaotic variables.

1. ACC doesn't exist, except in the minds and hearts of con artists. The climate on Earth has been changing before you were born and will after you leave this earth. It is natural.

2. By whom? Con artists and crooked politicians who have their hand in the cookie jar? Quote by Martin Keeley, geology scientist: “Global warming is indeed a scam, perpetrated by scientists with vested interests, but in need of crash courses in geology, logic and the philosophy of science.” Obviously by people with self interests.

3. No but you can rely on a vast amount of liberties and money devoted to this false premise.

I believe Bob has answered you correctly, except going by historic data we are not having more extreme weather events, and yes I think the next two decades (due to a solar minimum) is going to be colder.

If it wasn't for climate change -- Toronto would still be under a mile of ice.

1. What changes in everyday life do you think are necessary to prevent further anthropogenic climate change? What measures do you think would encourage people to make these changes?

2. It has been speculated that there have been a higher number of extreme weather events in the past decade than previously. Do you think these events correlate with climate change?

3. What time scales do global climate changes operate on? Can we expect a range of climate changes during out lifetime?