> Did another liberal lose faith in man-made Global Warming?

Did another liberal lose faith in man-made Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Less than 1/3rd of the climate scientists actually adhere to AGW and its "higher forcing" on the climate. I'd say 99% of these zealots (pegminer included) are fanatics and have always wanted to shut down the fossil fuel industry. These "climate science propaganda engineers" are focused on "proving" that CO2 is causing global warming and will go out of their way to get what they want.

I'm not clicking on links posted by people who pretend to have soooooo much knowledge yet remain totally in the dark. You're paranoid and angry because somehow you stand to LOSE something by trying to improve our environment??

I smell a Teabagger...

All the free speech liberals are gone .

Liberals would "drink the Kool-Aid, except last winter, it became a popsicle.

Also don't forget to search this on Google.

It seems liberals are not for free speech after all. Go against the man-made Global Warming faith -- and get fired. http://www.climatedepot.com/2014/06/12/fired-for-diverging-on-climate-progressive-professors-fellowship-terminated-after-wsj-oped-calling-global-warming-unproved-science/