> Is Rising Sea Level Real?

Is Rising Sea Level Real?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Many people had said sea levels are rising. Some said it is a hoax. So what is truly the right answer? Real or a hoax?

Please include your source along with your answer(s).

I personally think it is rising faster and for a longer period of time than is commonly acknowledged. I've seen pictures from the early 1900's of water front, that was cabins nestled in sand dunes, and now the sand dunes are gone, and the water reaches almost up to the cabins. Of course Venice, Italy appears to have buildings that are "sinking". That is not to say this is from anthropogenic (man made) global warming. It is probably from a long running melting from the last ice age. Still, the water is rising and it would be foolish to believe otherwise, no matter what the cause. In my mind, it would make more sense to deal with the effects of warming and rising sea levels, than pretend to know for certain that it is man made, and cripple our industry and economy for no purpose, and then not have the resources to deal with the effects.

In fact we have been warming for about 300 years. Even though the last 50 years is the only temperature increase that could be blamed credibly on humans, it didn't increase much relative to the previous 250 years. That alone debunks alarmist nonsense and non-science. As a geologist, I understand there aren't proxies that go back thousands of years as Antarcticice comically claims. What are these "proxies"? erosional features? but I digress. Land is not stable enough to accurately determine historic sea levels. In some places land near the ocean sinks and some places it rises. There are various reasons for the rising falling land from subsidence due to sediment accumulation in basins and rising from tectonic forces. Sea levels were certainly far lower 10 thousand plus years ago when we had glaciers across much of Eurasia and North America. It became much more difficult to determine the exact sea level from 8000 years ago to present. Since we have satellites, we can do a better job of measuring the actual sea level since around the 1970s but even that is suspect due to interpretation of the data. Assuming the satellite data and interpretations are correct, it amounts to a very slow rise which makes sense. Most of the rise in sea level has been due to thermal expansion. Since the ocean is so big, it takes a very long time to warm it sufficiently so there is a bit of a lag in response to rising temperature. Also some glacial retreat probably added to slight increase in sea levels. Alarmists said 10 years ago that parts of Manhattan would be inundated by now. What happened? The only thing that happened is they redrew the lines.

Many of the article you see are most definitely hoaxes, lies or just very bad science. In many cases land masses the articles reference are sinking, not sea level rising.

This being said, data does point to sea level rising, just not nearly so much as most posts and article on the subject suggest.

Real? Yes.

Of concern? No.

anything we have the capability of stopping or reversing? No

The only people who claim it is a hoax are liars, ignorant yahoos or whacko conspiracy theorists.

Sea level is measured by satellite as well as gauges. The satellite data is maintained by the University of Colorado at Boulder. You can find real information there.


Sea level is currently rising at about 3mm per year.








A little basic science will tell us that increasing the heat of water will cause it to expand as it is heated. The oceans are warming.


Image source: http://www.skepticalscience.com/global-c...

Not all coastal salt water intrusion is due to sea level rise. Some ares are also subject to subsidence as well. This does not alter the observations being made that show us that the sea levels are rising and subsidence only exasperates the problems for the regions that also suffer from subsidence.

Yes, rising sea levels are real. Click on any arrow on the world map found on the NOAA site listed below, and you will get more information about that particular site. There are many possible reasons for changes in sea level in an area besides the ocean actually going up or down. The land itself may be rising or sinking (Venice is sinking, for example), winds and currents change strength and direction with the change of seasons and years. The Pacific Ocean has both warm and cold phases, where the ocean levels and surface temperatures change between phases, and the other oceans have similar changes. The entire NOAA website has some good information.

Sea levels are rising due to thermal expansion and melting of land-based ice. Global warming is causing the oceans to absorb a lot of extra heat (up to 90%). This makes the volume of water expand, and sea levels rise. The Greenland and Antarctic ice caps, and many of the world’s glaciers, are all slowly melting. The runoff feeds into rivers and directly into the oceans. This too adds to sea levels.



You can make a judgement by the way people say in 50 years we will all be under water. what are they using, Tarot or chicken entrails. When they fortell the future they are always wrong. If you want the future go to the lady in the small caravan at the seaside, the rest are deceivers.

It's real, the sea level rises when the tides come in and receeds when the tides go out. When the moon is full the sea level rises more and when the moon is faded then the sea levels are very low. Been that way as long as the earth has lasted and will continue as long as the earth lasts.

Real, sort of.

Since the little ice age, the oceans have been rising by 1-2 mm/year. Thye are currently rising at a rate of 3 mm/year. There are 25.4 mm in one inch, so we are talking about the oceans rising by an inch in 8.5 years. Not a terribly dramatic or scary rise. The fear is that the rate will increase dramatically, but given the lack of success of the warmers models thus far, I think we are safe from that.


Antarticice, You talk a lot about what "deniers" do, when many deniers gave accurate answers.

Too funny.

Sea level is rising but nothing like as fast as the scare stories might suggest. About an eighth of an inch a year is the estimate. The recent view is shown in the chart below.

If you go back farther you can see that sea level rise was much worse long before man arrived with his coal burning steam engines.


See the long term view in the link above to Wikipedia.

Many people had said sea levels are rising. Some said it is a hoax. So what is truly the right answer? Real or a hoax?

Please include your source along with your answer(s).

It is a hoax.

Just look at the sea level at Plymouth Rock. It is essentially the same as when the Pilgrims landed.

Just look at artists conceptions of the Thames in the 1400s. It is at sea level and it is the same.

Antarcticice, as usual, knows what he is talking about. Ignore the anti-science denier kooks who infest this page like most of YA, Global Warming. They, and the dumbest among them in particular, are the only ones talking with any regularity about a century of science being a "hoax."

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes. Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”






There is no unusual seal level rise, that is a Climate Cult lie.

Peer-reviewed paper (June 2010): Sea-level rise is slowing, tidal gauge records show: 'One of Australia's foremost experts on sea level has concluded sea level rise is actually 'decelerating.' http://multi-science.metapress.com/conte...


its very real *** the ice from the antartic melts it just adds to the sea level global warming is bad this planet will be better off when humans are extinct to be honest

I would say it's a hoax

Depends on which ocean and hemisphere. God "alarmist" are truly idiots.

Yes. AGW cultists call it AGW apocalypse while the rest of the world call it tides.

Sea levels have always risen and fallen. This is absolutely nothing new. It's just that AGW cultists will take any naturally occurring cyclic action and claim it's caused global warming. If we were to suddenly realize that sea levels were declining AGW cultists would point to that as proof of AGW. According to AGW cultists the declining level of the great lakes is caused by AGW. Record cold and snow is expected to raise the level of the great lakes and considering that AGW cultists claim that extreme cold weather is caused by AGW they can claim that the level of water in them is caused by AGW too.

There are about 10 small nations in the Pacific that will be underwater in the next 50 years. Global warming is not a hoax.

Yes it has been rising from the end of the last ice age, but not very fast 1.8mm or 3.2mm per year depending if you believe tide gauges or satellite measurements

Always interesting to watch deniers trip over each other on this one

Mike L "It might be a inch higher in 2000 years."

note no link at all to support that statement

kano - Runs with tired and false "it's the end of the last ice age"

one he has tried many times before again note the lack of link and if they do try one it's invariably some denier site like watts or icecap

So what is the real case

We have a range of proxy data going back thousands of years giving quite reasonable sea levels, we have tide gauge data going back over 140 years (the tide gauge was quite important for shipping), we now add to that satellite data gong back to the 1970's. Deniers have tried to attack all this data from proxy data to tide gauges to satellite data, just as they try to attack all the data involved in climate change, using the same sad collection of half-baked denier websites.

So first the proxy data

This is what the sea level did through the end of the last ice age


and in closer detail on the last 8000 years


The median (black line) shows a strong slowing in sea level rise ~7000 years ago and then it pretty much stops about 4000 years ago, in that last push it rose ~2.5m from 7000 - 4000 years ago. Kano tells you what is happening now is just the last bit of the last ice age, but multiply the current rate 3.16mm per year by 4000 years and you don't get 2.5m you get 3.16m in just 1000 years, which over 4000 years would be 12.6m does that honestly sound like a simple continuation, when it is ~5x the rate seen at the end of the last ice age.

As for Mike L and his 1in, sea level was rising at 1.7mm for about 100 years but from the early 1990's that rate increased to the current 3.16mm and this is not, as deniers try to claim an anomaly of changing to satellite both satellites and tide gauges show this change.


From 1870 to the early 1990 sea level went up ~200mm (that's 120 years) but from the early 1990's to current measurements it has risen a further 50mm in just 20 years. Even without a further rise in rate of increase but continuing at the current figure we will easily hit half a meter by the end of the century that is 50% of the IPCC estimate, only a small increase in the current rate will easily get us to that 1m figure.

Of course for deniers they try to cloud the issue by bring up localised issues like Venice, issues it seems they don't really understand at all


Venice has a number of issues part of the subsidence was addressed by the stopping of pumping out ground water, but that only stopped that issue sea level rise is another issue, deniers have tried this sort of trick another well known denier here keeps posting a link for the California coast which is indeed rising, but in their ignorance of science deniers forget (or don't want to know) that for bits of land rising there are also bits sinking and that satellite data and even tide gauge data give a global average one that is little affected by such small scale local changes.

There is not one shred of doubt that sea level is rising, that it rising at a rate well above that seen at the end of the last ice age and there is little doubt this rate is only going to increase as glacial ice starts to add further to global sea level over the course of the coming century.

It might be a inch higher in 2000 years. No islands are sinking

Yes it is and good morning you finally woke up!!!!!!!
