> I think I might be predicting the future...?

I think I might be predicting the future...?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You would make a good proponent of AGW. the, "I have no clue what i'm listening to." says it all. The fellows on this site just puppet Al Gore and have no clue as to what they are saying.

But as to your direct question: I used to chauffeur for a prominent orchestra conductor. There was a term back in the fifties for some music. It was called 'hillbilly music' and now they call it country. At that time there wasn't as much music in that category. The OC said that there were only about seven tunes in that category and they just changed the words and maybe the beat. He was right for that time period. It has expanded since then, but the principle stays the same. There are certain notes and beat that just fit and are addictive. Take for instance, "Boogy Woogy" and "Boogy Woogy Base", those two either together or separately are incorporated in many songs written today. So what you are saying is an accurate assumption and it just means you like music.

I have no insight to share regarding song lyrics.

But about the things that happen during the day, that you dreamed before -- to verify this for your own peace of mind, start writing down, or typing somewhere, all of the dreams you had the night before. Do this in the morning, when you awake. Don't wait. Keep doing it for a few months. See if there really is a trend.

Well if you could see into the future maybe you could have figured out ahead of time that you posted your question in the wrong category There's your proof

Janey is right Keep a notepad and pen by your bed If you wake in the middle of the night turn on a light and write it down don't wait til morning

It sounds to me like you're reading too much into fairly commonplace occurrences. Pop songs are made to be catchy and they often sound like one another. Dreams are often connected with what's going on in your life.

Unless you start having real predictive powers (tell what horses will win tomorrow's races, or the scores in baseball games, or the prices of stocks, etc.) then I don't think what you're experiencing means anything.

Deja vu http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oGdXc2j...

I know this is going to sound incredibly stupid and unreal but something weird has been happening to me lately. Every few weeks or days I will occasionally find myself in a situation that I had visioned in my dreams or thought of in my head. Is it possible for something like this to happen? Also i'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with the seeing the future stuff but, every time I hear a song, even if I don't know it, I can start singing along with the beat and lyrics even though I have no clue what i'm listening to... If anyone knows of anything to do with this stuff please tell me.